
论国际体育仲裁视野中的直接适用法 被引量:1

Rules of Immediate Application from the Perspective of International Sports Arbitration
摘要 作为国家法秩序在体育自治领域中的反映,直接适用法在国际体育仲裁院的国际体育仲裁实践当中发挥着重要作用。就它的具体表现而言,在管辖权确立阶段,虽然瑞士法对该问题的态度较为宽容,但国际体育仲裁院基于公共政策的考虑,对限制劳动争议可仲裁性的外国直接适用法加以关注;在法律适用阶段,虽然《与体育有关的仲裁法典》没有设置关于直接适用法的法律适用条款,但出于对国家强行法的尊重以及建构体育竞争秩序的需要,国际体育仲裁院借助《瑞士国际私法典》第18条和第19条分别探讨了欧盟法、瑞士法以及其他国家法律当中强制规范的直接适用,特别表现了其对瑞士法判断标准的青睐;与之同时,在司法审查阶段,无论可以撤销国际体育仲裁院仲裁裁决的瑞士联邦法院,还是可以拒绝承认或执行该仲裁裁决的其他国家的法院,都将裁决是否违反直接适用法作为重点审查对象,以此对体育自治进行必要的监管。体育行业乃至体育纠纷解决的自身特点,导致该领域的直接适用法在解决问题、适用依据以及判断结果上呈现出特殊性。上述司法实践对我国未来建立的体育仲裁制度必将产生影响,有必要引起我国体育界的重视。 As a reflection of the national law's order in sports autonomy,the rules of immediate application plays an important role in the practice of inter-national sports arbitration of Court of Arbitration for Sport(CAS). As for as its specific performance,in the stage of establishment of jurisdiction,while theSwiss law has a more tolerant attitude,in consideration of public policy,the CAS focuses on the foreign rules of immediate application which restrict the arbi-trability of employment-related disputes;In the stage of application of law,although the Code of Sports-related Arbitration doesn't include a applicable lawprovision on rules of immediate application,so as to respect the national mandatory law and build the competitive order of sports,the CAS uses articles 18and19 of the Swiss Private International Law Code to discuss the direct application of mandatory rules of EU law,Swiss law and other national laws;At thesame time,in the stage of judicial review,not only the Swiss Federal Tribunal which could set aside arbitral awards rendered by the CAS,but also the courtsof other nations which refuse to recognize and enforce such arbitration awards,put a special emphasis on reviewing whether an award violates the rules of im-mediate application,so as to exercise necessary regulation to sports autonomy. The characteristics of sports industry and resolution of sports disputes makethe rules of immediate application in this field present distinctive natures,mainly on the problems,the bases of application,as well as the results. It is abso-lute that the establishment of institution of Chinese sports arbitration will be affected by the aforementioned judicial practice in the future,so that it is neces-sary to arouse the attention in Chinese sports.
作者 董金鑫
出处 《天津体育学院学报》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期51-56,共6页 Journal of Tianjin University of Sport
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目(项目编号:15YJC820009)
关键词 国际体育仲裁院 直接适用法 体育仲裁 公共政策 强制规范 CAS rules of immediate application sports arbitration public policy mandatory rules
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