
滇白珠提取物对胃肠功能以及止泻作用研究 被引量:9

Effective Study of Extract of Gaultheria Leucocarpa on Gastrointestinal and Antidiarrheal Function
摘要 目的:观察滇白珠提取物对胃肠运动功能、吸收功能影响以及止泻作用。方法:采用新斯的明造成小鼠胃排空和小肠推进亢进,乙酰胆碱造成大鼠离体回肠痉挛性收缩,利血平造成小鼠小肠吸收功能障碍,蓖麻油造成小鼠腹泻,观察滇白珠提取物对胃肠运动亢进模型动物胃肠运动,小肠吸收D-木糖水平以及腹泻次数的影响。结果:滇白珠提取物能够显著减少小鼠胃排空(增加胃内残留率)和小肠推进率;显著抑制大鼠离体回肠痉挛性收缩;显著提高小肠吸收D-木糖水平(增加尿液中D-木糖的排出量);显著减少小鼠腹泻次数。结论:滇白珠提取物具有显著抑制胃肠运动亢进,改善小肠吸收功能以及止泻作用。 Objective: To observe the effect of the extract of Gaultheria leucoearpa on gastrointestinal and antidiarrheal function. Methods: The effect of the extract of Gauhheria leucocarpa was investigated with gastroin- testinal function on gastric emptying and small intestine activities movement mice induced by neostigmine, anti- spasmodic activities in rats induced by aeetylcholine, small intestine disturbance of absorptive function malabsorption in mice induced by reserpine, antidiarrheal in mice induced by castor oil and improving urinary excretion of D-xylose in mice. Results: The extract of Gaultheria leueoearpa could significantly inhibit the gastric remnant rate and the alvine advancing rate on gastric emptying and small intestine activities movement mice induced by neostigmine. The extract of Gauhheria leueocarpa could relieve the spasm of gallbladder smooth muscle in rats induced by acetyleholine. The extract of Gauhheria leucocarpa could improve urinary excretion of D- xylose in mice, and decrease the times of diarrhea in mice induced by castor oil and. Conclusion: The extract of Gauhheria leueoearpa can improve absorption function and inhibit gastrointestinal-hypermotility of the small intestine, and stop diarrhea.
出处 《中医药导报》 2016年第9期20-23,共4页 Guiding Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
基金 广西中药质量标准研究重点实验室系统性研究课题(桂中重系201203)
关键词 滇白珠提取物 胃肠运动功能 吸收功能 止泻 extract of Gaultheria leucocarpa gastrointestinal motility function absorption function antidiarrheal
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