
浅论含有不同稀释液的布洛芬注射液对局部血管的刺激性 被引量:1

Comparative study on the blood vessel irritation test of different dilution liquid ibuprofen injection in rabbits
摘要 目的 :研究含有不同稀释液的布洛芬注射液对局部血管的刺激性。方法 :将24只家兔随机分为Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组、Ⅲ组,每组各有8只家兔。为Ⅰ组家兔静脉注射经浓度为9%生理盐水稀释的布洛芬注射液,为Ⅱ组家兔静脉注射经浓度为5%葡萄糖稀释的布洛芬注射液,为Ⅲ组家兔静脉注射经碳酸氢钠和浓度为5%葡萄糖稀释的布洛芬注射液。给药结束后,结合进行病理组织切片检查的结果观察三组家兔穿刺部位的血管是否存在刺激性反应。结果:用含有不同稀释液的布洛芬注射液对三组家兔的外耳缘进行静脉注射后,Ⅲ组家兔穿刺部位的血管没有出现明显的刺激性反应,Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组家兔穿刺部位的血管均出现了明显的刺激性反应。结论 :用含有碳酸氢钠和浓度为5%葡萄糖的稀释液对布洛芬注射液进行稀释,不会对患者穿刺部位的血管产生刺激作用。此稀释方法具有较高的临床应用价值。 Objective To investigate the difference of the blood vessel irritation of the injection of ibuprofen injection with different dilution of the rabbit's ear vein. Methods The rabbits were randomly divided into group I:(ibuprofen + normal saline(NS) solution, group II:(ibuprofen + glucose) solution and group III:(ibuprofen + glucose + sodium bicarbonate) solution, each group 8 rabbits, respectively through the marginal ear vein injection, dosage for 13.3 mg / kg. The combination of pathological findings to examine whether blood vessels are stimulating. Results There was no obvious blood vessel stimulation in the C group, while the A group and the B group had a strong vascular stimulation. Conclusion Ibuprofen injection with glucose and sodium bicarbonate injection for dilution in the experimental group. The rabbit had no vascular irritation reaction, and the other two groups appeared strong stimulation on blood vessel. Through the study of the above, it can provide a reference for the selection of the dilution liquid used in the intravenous administration of ibuprofen.
出处 《当代医药论丛》 2016年第7期20-21,共2页
关键词 布洛芬注射液 不同的稀释液 血管刺激性 Bloven injection different solvents intravenous injection vascular irritation
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