

Industrial Application of BAF-O_3 Technology in Treating Petrochemical Saline Wastewater
摘要 臭氧催化氧化与曝气生物滤池的联合工艺可用于炼油厂含盐污水的深度处理。惠州炼化分公司采用BAF-O3组合工艺对含盐二级生化出水进行深度处理改造。运行结果表明,在进水COD浓度平均值97.9mg/L,臭氧催化氧化池和臭氧接触氧化塔的臭氧投加量分别为80-90 mg/L、30-20 mg/L的条件下,装置总出水COD浓度均值为43.5 mg/L,满足污水COD≤50 mg/L的限值要求,COD总去除率达到55.57%。BAF单元前置后,其COD去除率提高,COD去除量由2.71 mg/L提高至9.5 mg/L,经分析主要系生物絮凝作用;由于活性炭罐和BAF单元对悬浮物的有效过滤,有利于保护后续的臭氧催化氧化单元。 Catalytic ozonation and biological aerated filter combined process is an effective technology for advanced treatment of saline wastewater in refinery. BAF-O_3 technology was adopted by CNOOC Huizhou Refinery to treat secondary biological effluent of saline wastewater. The running results of BAF-O_3 combined process show that the COD average value of saline wastewater decreases from about 97.9 mg/L to 43.5 mg/L, meeting the COD emission limit of 50 mg/L of new standard for special areas and the total removal rate of COD reaches 55.57% through advanced treatment under the conditions of the COD average value of 97.9 mg/L for the influent, 80-90 mg/L ozone doses for ozone oxidation tank and 20-30 mg/L ozone doses for ozone contact oxidation tower. The average COD removal quantity increases from 2.71 mg/L to 9.5 mg/L through prepositive BAF, the removal rate increasing of COD owes to biological flocculation of BAF. Prepositive BAF and activated carbon canister are conducive to subsequent ozone catalyst in oxidation tank by effective filtration of suspended solids of wastewater.
出处 《当代化工》 CAS 2016年第4期796-798,共3页 Contemporary Chemical Industry
关键词 含盐污水 深度处理 催化臭氧化 BAF前置 悬浮物 Saline wastewater Advanced treatment Catalytic ozonation Prepositive BAF Suspended solid
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