
汉语刑事辩护词中态度资源的分布——作为社会过程的法律语篇研究之四 被引量:5

Distributional Features of Attitudinal Resources in Statements of Defense in Chinese Criminal Trials: Legal discourse as social process(4)
摘要 汉语刑事辩护词作为法律语篇,是一种竞争类社会过程,承载着较重的人际语义负荷。本文从评价系统视角研究汉语刑事辩护词的态度资源及其分布特征。通过分析,我们发现汉语刑事辩护词中使用最多的态度资源是裁决,其次是鉴赏和情感。态度资源的分布特征是,论点部分中的必选资源是裁决,可选资源是鉴赏和/或情感;论证部分中的必选资源是以裁决为主并辅以鉴赏,可选资源是情感;结论部分中的态度资源分布与论点部分的相同。 The statement of defense in Chinese criminal trial is a kind of competitive social process with a heavy load of interpersonal meaning. Within the framework of the APPRAISAL Systems, this paper ex- plores the attitudinal resources and their distributional features in statements of defense in Chinese criminal trials. Through the analyses, it is found that the most-widely used attitudinal resource is Judgment, with Appreciation and Affect next to it. The distributional feature of these attitudinal resources in the stages of statements of defense is as follows: in Thesis, Judgment is compulsory, Appreciation and/or Affect are optional; in Argument, Judgment affiliated by Appreciation is compulsory, and Affect is optional; in Conclusion, the distribution of attitudinal resources is the same to that in Thesis.
出处 《山东外语教学》 2016年第2期13-21,共9页 Shandong Foreign Language Teaching
基金 2013年度上海交通大学文科科研资助项目"作为社会过程的法律语篇--语篇语义学视角"(项目编号:13TS02)系列论文之一
关键词 汉语刑事辩护词 态度资源 态度韵律 分布特征 statements of defense in Chinese criminal trials attitudinal resources attitudinal prosody distributional features
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