
空气污染对雾影响的研究进展 被引量:6

Review of the Impact of Air Pollution on Fog
摘要 近几十年,随着城市化的加剧,空气污染已先后成为一些国家和地区面临的主要环境问题,空气污染已经对城市及周边雾的物理化学特征产生了显著的影响。雾的发生发展还受到局地和大尺度气象条件变化的影响,各因子综合作用导致不同国家和地区雾的变化较为复杂。对国内外关于雾和空气污染的关系研究进行了回顾,包括雾水化学组成及来源、雾水化学组成的形成机制、影响雾形成和变化主要因素分析。结果表明,能源结构和其使用方式、空气污染治理水平是决定城市及周边雾水化学组成及比例的主要因素;空气污染、城市化和气候变化是雾形成和长期变化的重要影响因子,诸因子通过改变宏观或微观的气象和环境条件而影响雾发生发展和长期变化,影响雾长期变化的物理化学机制值得深入研究。 In recent decades, air pollution has become a major environmental problem following the industrialization and urbanization in many countries and regions. Air pollutants have signifi cant effect on the physical and chemical characteristics of fog in urban and surroundings. This paper reviews the main progresses on the research of relationships between fog and air pollution, including fog-water chemical compositions and their sources, the formation mechanism of chemical composition, the factors infl uencing fog formation and change. Results show that: the structure and usage ways of energy sources and air pollution control level are the main reasons for chemical composition of fog in the urban and surroundings. The urbanization, climate change and air pollution are the three main factors that affect the formation and the long-term change of fog. Via altering macro and micro meteorological and environmental conditions of fog, the further studies might focus on the physical and chemical mechanism inducing long term variation of fog.
作者 朱彬 郭婷
出处 《气象科技进展》 2016年第2期56-63,共8页 Advances in Meteorological Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(41575148 41275143)
关键词 雾水化学 空气污染 城市化 气候变化 fog chemistry air pollution urbanization climate change
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