
基于非测地线纤维缠绕压力容器线型设计与优化 被引量:18

Pattern design and optimization of filament-winding pressure vessels based on non-geodesics
摘要 为较好地满足纤维轨迹路径的稳定与均布,与传统测地线缠绕模式不同,提出了非测地线纤维缠绕压力容器的纤维线型方程,给出了非测地线型模式和缠绕参数的最优化设计方法,分析了环形缠绕机芯模和丝嘴的相对缠绕速比,结合均匀布满条件对优化线型进行了调整。将计算机仿真技术应用到环形容器的缠绕线型设计与验证中,研究了CAD系统各组成模块的功能及实现方法,对非测地线缠绕成型进行了计算机图形仿真与检验。结果表明:设计得到的非测地线满足缠绕工艺的基本要求;采用最优化的非测地线模式进行缠绕,可使非测地线缠绕角集中在筒形压力容器的最佳缠绕角55°附近,有效提高了压力容器的结构承载性能。 In order to satisfy both stability and uniform coverage of the fiber traj ectory,in contrast to the conven-tionally used geodesic winding,the equations of fiber patterns for non-geodesically filament-winding pressure vessels were proposed and the optimal design approaches for non-geodesic patterns and winding parameters were presented. The relative winding velocities of the mandrel and the feed eye for toroidal vessel were analyzed.The optimal pat-terns were adj usted according to the uniform coverage condition.Through the application of computer simulation techniques to the design and verification of toroidal vessel winding patterns,the CAD system was studied on the functions and implementation methods,the simulations of computer graphics and tests for non-geodesic filament-winding were realized.The results show that the designed non-geodesics satisfy the basic requirements for the wind-ing process,and through the optimal non-geodesics winding patterns,the non-geodesic angles are centralizing around 5 5°,which are the optimal winding angle for cylindrical pressure vessels,and consequently improve the structural bearing capability of pressure vessels.
出处 《复合材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期1125-1131,共7页 Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(11302168) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(143101001) 湖北省自然科学基金(2014CFB140) 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划(2013JQ6018)
关键词 复合材料 纤维缠绕 压力容器 非测地线 线型设计 composite filament-winding pressure vessel non-geodesic pattern design
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