
江苏省废矿物油回收利用行业现状分析 被引量:5

Current Situation Analysis of Used Mineral Oil Recycling Industry in Jiangsu Province
摘要 废矿物油回收利用行业可以从废矿物油中回收蕴藏的可再生资源,是实现可持续发展的重要组成。通过调研发现,2014年江苏省废矿物油产生量最多的3个城市依次为南京、无锡和苏州,而产生量最多的4个行业分别是石油加工业、金属制品业、运输设备制造业及化学原料和化学制品业。江苏省废矿物油回收利用工艺大致可分为简易预处理法、常压蒸馏法和减压精馏法3类,通过对比采用这3类工艺的企业处置规模,发现小型企业全部采用简易预处理法,采用常压蒸馏法的中型企业超过80%,大型企业大部分采用减压精馏工艺。通过分析回收利用单位的经营状况,发现采用简易预处理工艺的企业许可量利用率最高,在目前的市场环境下生存能力较强。 Oil recycling industry can obtain renewable sources from used mineral oil,which plays an important role in achieving sustainable development purpose. It has been found that the top three cities in Jiangsu province producing the most amount of waste mineral oil were Nanjing,Wuxi and Suzhou in 2014,and the four top industries were petroleum processing,metal working,transportation equipment manufacturing and chemical raw materials and chemicals producing. Three kinds of treating process in Jiangsu province are simple pretreatment,atmospheric distillation and vacuum refinery distillation. All the small scale treatment plants use simple pretreatment process. More than 80% of the medium scale treatment plants use atmospheric distillation process. Most large scale treatment plants use vacuum refinery distillation process. According to the management situation investigation,recycling plants using simple pretreatment process have a high authorizing amount use ratio. It can be concluded that simple pretreatment process are competitive in present market.
出处 《环境监测管理与技术》 CSCD 2016年第3期1-5,共5页 The Administration and Technique of Environmental Monitoring
基金 江苏省环境保护厅科研基金资助项目(2014028)
关键词 废矿物油 回收利用 工艺类型 江苏省 Used mineral oil Recycling Process type Jiangsu Province
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