
中国交通运输参与国内碳交易现状与展望 被引量:20

Current Situation of China's Transportation to Participate in Domestic Carbon Trading Market and Its Outlook
摘要 碳交易机制作为控制温室气体排放的重要市场机制,已经在全球各国逐步推进实施中,中国正在建立全国碳交易市场。交通运输行业是三大碳排放行业之一,积极应用碳交易等市场机制管控排放是大势所趋。中国正在加快交通运输碳交易实践,如上海率先将航空和港口纳入碳交易体系;深圳创新碳交易机制推广新能源汽车应用;北京先后将交通固定和移动源纳入碳交易体系,交通运输类自愿核证减排项目开发日益增多。本文从交通运输碳交易顶层设计、核查方法体系、配额分配方案、抵消机制设计、核查机构遴选、试点工作设想、行业部门作用、能力建设等方面提出了对策建议。同时,本文展望随着交通行业主管部门深度参与机制设计,将有效推动科学合理建立交通运输碳交易机制,促进形成交通运输碳排放大数据库的建立,提升交通运输企业碳资产管理理念,推动建立交通运输碳账户与交易制度,加快启动设立低碳交通运输基金,形成全新交通运输碳减排激励体系,实现最优成本管控交通运输碳排放。 Carbon trading mechanism, as an important market mechanism to control greenhouse gas emissions, has been gradually implemented in many countries of the world. China is actively building national carbon trading market. Transportation industry is one of the three major carbon emissions, using market mechanisms to control emissions is the trend in the future. China is pushing forward the practice of carbon trading in transportation sector, Shanghai carbon trading system firstly includes the aviation and port, Shenzhen innovative carbon trading mechanism to promote the use of new energy vehicles, Beijing carbon trading system covers fixed and mobile transport carbon sources, the number of China certification emission reduction projects in transport sector is increasing. Proposals of building transport carbon trading system are suggested from the several aspects, which include top-level design, MRV system, quota allocation, offset mechanism, verification agency selection, pilot work plan, supervisory department and capacity building. In the future, with the depth of the transport sector to participate in the mechanism design, it will effectively promote transport carbon trading mechanism to be more scientific and rational. This mechanism will promote the formation of a large database of transport carbon emissions, and the management concept of carbon assets in transportation enterprises. At the same time, transport carbon accounts and trading system and low carbon transport fund will be established. The new transport carbon emission reduction incentive system will control transport carbon emissions by the optimal cost.
出处 《中国能源》 2016年第5期32-37,共6页 Energy of China
关键词 交通运输 碳交易 现状 展望 Transportation Carbon Trading Current Situation Outlook
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