
澳大利亚反兴奋剂政策研究 被引量:2

Research on Australian Anti-doping Policies
摘要 研究目的:体育运动中泛滥的兴奋剂问题,已经成为阻碍世界体育可持续的重要问题,各国纷纷启动对反兴奋剂政策的立法问题,研究澳大利亚反兴奋剂政策具有一定的比较借鉴意义。研究方法:文献资料法、逻辑分析法等。研究结果和结论:澳大利亚反兴奋剂政策得到了参议院调查委员会的支持,澳大利亚政府通过体育和休闲内阁会议,进一步支持澳大利亚反兴奋剂组织的政策立法活动,建立澳大利亚国家精英运动员药检机制,对涉及体育运动中的兴奋剂问题实行严厉监管。 Research Objectives: the anti-doping issue which is rampant in various sports has become an important issue that blocks the sustainable development of global sports. Many countries have started to establish legislation for anti-doping policies. To some extent, it is significant to study Australian anti-doping policies for comparison and reference. Research method: searching document literates and logical analysis online. Research result and conclusion: Australian anti-doping policies are supported by the Investigation Committee of the Senate. Through the cabinet council of sports and leisure, Australian government further supports policy legislation activities Australian Anti-doping Agency organizes, and establishes the drug test mechanism for Australian elite athletes and conducts strict supervision on the anti-doping issues in sports.
作者 李真
出处 《湖北体育科技》 2016年第5期398-400,449,共4页 Hubei Sports Science
关键词 澳大利亚 反兴奋剂 政策研究 Australia anti-doping policy research
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