新疆地区拥有比较丰富的未利用地资源,合理开发利用该区域未利用地在一定程度上有助于缓解日益严峻的人地矛盾和保障区域粮食安全。本研究以阜康市为研究区域,采用生态位适宜度模型,选择土壤含盐量、土层厚度、土壤质地、有机质含量、地貌类型、林地覆盖率、灌溉保证率、土壤侵蚀模数、≥10℃积温、距离河流距离、流域地均径流量以及年均降水量共12个指标构建评价指标体系,进行未利用地开发利用适宜性评价。研究结果表明,阜康市较适宜开发耕地的未利用地(主要包括高度适宜和基本适宜)占未利用地总面积的22.21%,分布于山前冲积扇中下部和地形较为平坦的地区。勉强适宜的未利用地仅占未利用地总面积的16.36%,主要分布在北部沙漠边缘和南部山前冲积扇上部。不适宜开发利用的未利用地占未利用地总面积的61.43%,主要分布于南部的坡地、山前冲积扇边缘以及靠近北部沙漠边缘。在评价结果的基础上选择潜力指数、新增耕地潜力、乡镇未利用地面积、宜耕未利用地开发面积、宜耕未利用地比重、平均地块面积、地块破碎度等指标构成未利用地开发潜力矩阵,并利用系统聚类分析对未利用地资源进行潜力分区。结果表明,研究区可以划分为5个潜力区,Ⅰ级潜力区适宜开发未利用地的面积为21 000.97 hm2,可以新增耕地潜力为15 222.92 hm2;Ⅱ级潜力区适宜开发未利用地的面积为12 875.69 hm2,新增耕地潜力为10 155.41 hm2;Ⅲ级潜力区适宜开发未利用地的面积为5 008.84 hm2,可以新增耕地潜力为4 165.35 hm2;Ⅳ级潜力区适宜开发未利用地的面积为878.67 hm2,可以新增耕地潜力为753.78 hm2;Ⅴ级潜力区的未利用地均不适宜开发利用。潜力分区可以从时序和空间上为阜康市未利用地的开发利用提供理论参考,对未来未利用地差别化开发利用模式的探索具有一定指导意义。
Xinjiang region has relatively abundant unused land resources that can be rationally developed and used. This is beneficial to ease the increasingly worsening conflict between people and land and ensure regional food security to a certain extent. This paper chose Fukang City in Northern Tianshan Mountain Economic Belt as the research area and used twelve factors to build up an evaluation index system for Fukang City. The twelve factors included soil salinity, soil depth, soil texture, organic matter content, landform, forest cover rate, irrigation rate, soil erosion module, cumulative temperature ≥10 ℃, distance from stream, runoff volume of watershed and annual precipitation. The ecological niche model was used to evaluate the suitability of unused lands converted into arable lands in the study area. The results showed that unused lands(including highly suitable and basically suitable) most suitable for conversion into arable lands accounted for 22.21% of total unused lands in the region. Such lands located in the lower part of piedmont alluvial fans and in relatively flat terrains. Reluctantly suitable unused lands only accounted for 16.36% of total unused lands and were mainly located at the edge of the northern desert and in the upper parts of southern piedmont alluvial fans. Unused lands unsuitable for development accounted for 61.43% and mainly distributed in the southern slopes, the edge of piedmont alluvial fans and the fringe zone close to the northern desert. On the basis of the evaluation results, the paper chose potential index, potential increase in arable land, unused land area in town and sub-town, unused arable land development area, unused arable land proportion, average patch area and patch fragmentation index to build a development potential matrix of unused lands in the study area. Cluster analysis was also used to regionalize unused lands. Based on the research, the study area was divided into five potential zones. Grade I potential zone covered an area of 21 000.97 hm2 with potential additional arable land area of 15 222.92 hm2. Grade II potential zone was 12 875.69 hm2 with potential additional arable land of 10 155.41 hm2. Grade III potential zone was 5 008.84 hm2 with potential additional arable land of 4 165.35 hm2. Also grade IV potential zone was 878.67 hm2 with potential additional arable land of 753.78 hm2. Then grade V potential zone of unused lands was unsuitable for exploitation. The regionalization of the unused lands provided the theoretical basis for the development and utilization of unused lands in Fukang City both in time and space scales. It also had some practical significance in terms of future pattern of differential development and utilization of unused lands.
Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
Unused land
Suitability for arable land
Exploitation potential
Suitability of ecological niche
Newly increased arable land
Economic belt of Northern Tianshan Mountain