
论写作主体心灵世界的自我观照 被引量:1

On Self-Revelation of Writer's Inner World
摘要 写作是主体由内而外的倾吐、创造。心灵世界的自我观照在作文教学中具有重要意义 ,它是以大千世界为观照对象 ,综合写作主体知、情、意等心理体验的一种内化过程。这个过程由观察而表象而感受三个阶段组成 ,具有情感性、意象性、顿悟性等特质 ,文章从铸塑人格精神、敏锐感触神经、活化想象思维。 Writing is to unbosom oneself and create. Selfrevelation of the inner world is of great significance in lectures of writing. It is a process of internalization that takes the universe as its object of reflection and integrates the subject's psychological experiences of perception, emotion and intention. This process comprises the three stages: to observe, to express, and to be impressed. It is tinged with sensibilities, images and epiphanies. This paper explores and analyses the strategy of activating the subject's selfrevelation in terms of moulding of personality spirit, sharpening of sensitivity, vitalizing of imagination, and enriching and deepening of learning.
作者 陈明华
出处 《大理师专学报》 2000年第3期56-59,共4页 Journal of Dali Teachers College
关键词 写作主体 心灵世界 自我观照 作文教学 writing subject the inner world selfrevelatioT
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