
飞机维修机械组件拆装过程训练评估模型研究 被引量:2

Research on Machinery Components Disassembling Process Training Evaluation Model in the Aircraft Maintenance
摘要 为了提高飞机维修培训的训练效果及培训效率,解决目前飞机维修培训中机械组件拆装流程复杂,缺少人机交互,导致培训效果不理想、效率低的问题;根据实际任务描述中机械组件拆卸过程各个步骤明确其状态变化和约束条件,采用Grafcet工具建立拆装过程模型;针对事先规定的拆卸各步骤中的权重,建立拆装过程训练评估模型,结合训练实际操作情况,定量地给出一次任务中评价结果;模型能够支持学习、训练、考核等多种模式的训练方式;最后,在维修培训平台中以飞机加油活门拆装过程为例,验证模型的有效性和实用性,并且能够完成信息交互和结果评估。 In order to improve the effect and efficiency of the aircraft maintenance training,and solve the problem that mechanical components disassembling process are complex and lack of interacting between person in the aircraft maintenance training,which cause the bad training effect and low efficiency.According to the components status,migration and the constraint conditions in the steps of the mechanical components disassembling process in the task,the disassembling process model are established by using the Grafcet.The training evaluation model is set up according to the weights in the steps.The result of the training is evaluated in quantity on the basis of the training operation situation.The model can support learning,training,evaluation pattern of training.Finally,the disassembly and evaluation process of the refuel valve on the maintenance training platform is taken as an example to verify that the model effective and practical and complete the interactive information presentation and the results evaluation.
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 2016年第7期298-300,306,共4页 Computer Measurement &Control
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(60832011) 天津市科技攻关计划重点项目(06YFGZGX00700)
关键词 飞机维修仿真 机械组件 逻辑控制器图形表示工具 拆装过程模型 评估模型 aircraft maintenance simulation mechanical component Grafcet disassembling process model evaluation model
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