2014年8月至2015年10月,在福建虎伯寮国家级自然保护区(24°30′05″N^24°56′20″N,117°12′42″E^117°22′45″E)采用访问调查、笼捕法及样方法进行眼斑水龟(Sacalia bealei)种群分布和生境选择研究。结果表明:(1)眼斑水龟的种群相对密度为0.003 0只/笼捕日,主要分布于溪流一级分支;(2)对一级分支、溪流主干和二级分支间21个生态因子的差异性检验表明,一级分支与主干在其中13个因子上差异显著或极显著,而一级分支与二级分支在其中16个因子上差异显著或极显著。因此眼斑水龟偏好分布的一级分支与主干及二级分支间存在显著的生境差异,其生境特征表现为:人为干扰距离较大(250.17±27.03)m、海拔中等(276~389 m)、坡度较缓(18.50±2.21)°,溪流的水面宽度适中(3.86±0.17)m、水深较大(0.95±0.13)m、水流较缓(0.29±0.02)m/s、基底类型为石质,溪流两侧的植被郁闭度较大(50.10%±3.56%)、果树丰度较高(1.40±0.20)株/m^2、地面落叶厚度较大(4.97±0.16)cm,并且溪流中石洞数目(0.26±0.02)个/m^2和露石率(47.10%±2.27%)最高、水生动物种类(3.97±0.26)种/m^2和密度(5.03±0.35)个/m^2也较高。根据本文的研究结果,我们认为保护好溪流两岸植被,同时减少偷猎行为的发生,对眼斑水龟野生种群的保护将会有积极的作用。
The Beal′s Eyed Turtle(Sacalia bealei) is critically endangered in China. We conducted a study on their population distribution and habitat selection at Huboliao National Nature Reserve in Fujian Province(24°30′05″N﹣24°56′20″N, 117°12′42″E﹣117°22′45″E) from August 2014 to October 2015 by cage trapping method based on the knowledge we got from the local people. The relative population density of Beal′s Eyed Turtle was 0.003 0/cage day. Five turtles were captured from the steam primary tributary and no any individuals were captured in the main stream and secondary tributary. We set 30 plots with 10 × 10 m^2 each to collect the habitat characteristics in the the main stream, primary and second tributary to compare the variation of 21 ecological factors between them. The ecological factors such as number of woody plant species, thickness of deciduous leaves, percentage of exposed stones, slope and water depth were analyzed by One-way ANOVA, vegetation type, soil type, substrate type and obscured object type were analyzed by Chi-square test, while woody plant density, crown density, number of benthos species, number of benthos density, distance to human disturbance, elevation, number of stone caves, flow water speed, stream width, fruiter abundance, number of herbage species and herbage density were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis Test with the paired-comparisons. A significant difference was detected for 13 factors between the primary tributary and main stream, and for 16 factors between the primary and secondary tributary(Table 1). These result indicated that the Beal′s Eyed Turtle prefer the habitat of primary tributary due to it providing a larger shelters, more plentiful fruiter, more ovipositing sites and far from human disturbance. The habitat of the primary tributary had following characteristics: longer distance to human disturbance(250.17 ± 27.03 m), medium elevation(276﹣389 m), mild slope(18.50°± 2.21°), medium water depth(3.86 ± 0.17 m), larger canopy density(50.10% ± 3.56%), higher fruiter abundance(1.40 ± 0.20 ind/m^2), deepper deciduous leaves(4.97 ± 0.16 cm), more stony substrate, more stone caves(0.26 ± 0.02 /m^2), more percentage of exposed stones(47.10% ± 2.27%), higher density(5.03 ± 0.35 ind/m^2) and species richness of benthos(3.97 ± 0.26 /m^2). In order to assure the sustainable survival of Beal′s Eyed Turtle, we provided conservation suggestions, such as forest conservation and anti-poaching would be conducted immediately.
Chinese Journal of Zoology
Beal′s Eyed Turtle
Sacalia bealei
Population density
Habitat selection
Stream rank