西门子公司提供的工具Block UI Styler为UG二次开发提供了诸多便利,但在数据读取等方面仍有不足。将其与MFC工具结合使用,制作标准件库,不仅解决了Block Styler数据功能不强的缺陷,也解决了MFC用户不友好的短板,两者的交互使开发效率大幅提升。
The "Block Ul Styler" provided by Siemens brings much convenience for the UG customization development,however, it does not very well in its processing data. It is used with "MFC" to luild the standard part library, which can be used to solve both the disadvantage of the processing data in "Block UI Styler" and the shortcoming of unfriendl user interface in "MFC" and improve the efficiency of the development.
Machine Building & Automation