随着计算机和多媒体技术、仿真技术以及虚拟技术的发展,可以应用于测控领域的软件比较多,如Visual C++、Power Builder,还有更为高级的HP VEE、DT VEE、Lab VIEW等。实际证明,其中美国National Instrument公司推出的Lab VIEW语言是比较优秀的软件开发平台,特别适于数据采集和控制方面的开发。此平台提供了一些外挂工具如PID控制及模糊控制模块[20],与远程数据库的连接功能等,可以构成了一个完整的测控系统开发平台[,主要用于过程控制、数据采集、数据分析和数据显示等方面。NI公司提出的"Software Is the Instrument"是基于计算机软件技术的测试、控制仪器。测试仪器不再是功能单一的专用仪器,而是由基本的数据采集硬件和软件的柔性组合,与传统的测试仪器相比其智能化程度、性能价格比、可靠性及可操作性等方面都具有明显的优势。
Along with the computer and multimedia technology,simulation technology and the development of virtual technology,can be applied in the field of measurement and control software is more,such as Visual c + +,Power Builder,as well as more advanced HP VEE,DT VEE,Lab VIEW,etc.Actual proof,including the United States National Instrument company launching Lab VIEW language is relatively good software development platform,especially suitable for the development of data acquisition and control.The platform provides some external tools such as PID control and fuzzy control module[20],with the remote database connection,etc.,can constitute a complete measurement and control system development platform,mainly used in process control,data acquisition,data analysis and data display,etc.The NI company of/ "Software Is the Instrument/" Is based on the technology of computer Software testing and control instruments.Test Instrument Is no longer a single function of special Instrument,but the basic data acquisition hardware and Software of the flexible combination,compared with the traditional test Instrument its intelligent level,cost performance, reliability and maneuverability has obvious advantages.
Electronic Test
PC system
Virtual technology
Virtual instrument
Traditional instruments