
试论庄存与《春秋正辞》与官学的关系问题——《禁暴辞》《诛乱辞》读解 被引量:4

The Relationship between Zhuang Cunyu's and the Official's Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals
摘要 《禁暴辞》《诛乱辞》作为庄存与《春秋正辞》的第七与第八"辞",完整体现了《春秋》诛乱贼、达王事的根本大义。将之与《左传》《公羊传》《穀梁传》《春秋胡氏传》及乾隆官方的《日讲春秋解义》《御纂春秋直解》相比,可以发现,不论是庄存与因袭还是偏离官方经说,其背后的解经旨趣从未改变,皆以维护王道秩序为职志。这不但不背离官方以《春秋》为治术,维护尊王大一统的立场,甚且比官方阐释更完整、更有意识形态性,其卫道护统的衷曲亦比官方有过之而无不及。作为乾隆朝的文化教育官员,其学术对官学的这种响应,当与其自身的核心关怀相关,也是时代、经历、家世、性格等诸多因素相互激荡的结果。 This article examines the seventh and eighth chapters Chunqiu Zhengci( Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals) by Zhuang Cunyu,and highlights its main ideas on criticizing regicide and restoring the king order of The Spring and Autumn Annals. Comparing those two chapters with previous and the Qing official commentary books,we can find that no matter whether he followed or deviated the official viewpoints,Zhuang Cunyu never changed his perspectives of defensing the king order. Zhuang Cunyu accepted and went even further than the official viewpoints which took The Spring and Autumn Annals as domination rules of admiring the king and defensing unification. Being an official in charge of culture and education in the Qianlong reign,Zhuang Cunyu’s sticking to the official viewpoints should be interpreted not only with his core cares,but also with his family background,experiences,character,and many other factors.
作者 辛智慧
机构地区 清华大学国学院
出处 《清史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期37-57,共21页 The Qing History Journal
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