
可持续挖掘草原生产潜力的途径、技术及政策建议 被引量:13

Priority Approaches, Techniques and Models to Sustainably Tap the Grassland Productivity Potential
摘要 草原是中国第一大陆地生态系统,面积近4亿hm^2,占国土面积的41.7%,是中国发展现代农业和现代畜牧业的重要资源,是保障国家生态安全的重要屏障带。然而,由于长期不合理开发利用,中国草原面临严峻的生态退化、植被生产力衰减、草畜矛盾突出、畜产品生产效率低下等问题,生态和生产功能均严重下降,成为国家实施可持续发展战略的制约性区域之一。系统地、可持续地挖掘草原生产潜力,有效提升草原生态和生产功能,是加强生态安全和生态文明建设,加速现代畜牧业转型发展的重要保障。挖掘草原生产潜力主要有三方面途径,一是进行退化草原恢复,提高草原生产力;二是进行旱作栽培草地建设;三是发展高效草业。针对不同类型退化草原,采取自然恢复、优化利用、人为改良等改良与恢复措施,可加速退化草原恢复进程,并提高退化草原生产力20%—30%甚至40%—50%。在半干旱区由于水土资源的限制,应重点发展以粮改饲为主的旱作栽培草地,以挖掘本土牧草优异资源为主,选育和扩繁抗旱、抗寒、耐牧型牧草品种,研发和应用旱作草地栽培技术、收获加工技术、土壤保育及耐旱材料等,提高水土资源利用率和旱作栽培生产效率,可提高生产力2—3倍。在区域水资源条件较好且综合平衡的基础上,适度发展高效节水灌溉人工草地,如按提高生产力10—20倍计,每年可增加饲草1.5×10~7—3×10~7 t,可解决2×10~6—4×10~6 hm^2草地的优质饲草的生产问题。为保障可持续挖掘草原生产潜力,提出相关政策建议。一是发挥草原生态补奖机制的长效驱动作用,紧紧把握推进方式转变,在草畜平衡的范畴中鼓励草地优化利用,以不断挖掘政策效益和可持续挖掘草地的第一性生产潜力和第二性生产力;二是建议和实施可持续挖掘草原生产潜力研发计划行动。重点开展天然草原饲草生产力提质增效关键技术研究与集成示范,半农半牧区高效草牧业技术模式和示范,突破生产饲草生产土地资源的高效开发利用技术、水土生物等资源的综合高效利用技术,提高资源利用效率;制约草畜结合的饲草质量差、调制利用差、转化效率差的技术难题,综合提高饲草转化利用效率。三是建立不同类型区现代草业大示范区。针对不同草地类型的特点和面积进行战略布局,建立区域性的大示范区,形成较为完善的产业链条,实现区域内各种资源的整合和优化配置。四是培育新型生产经营主体,建立完善市场体系,鼓励建立多元主体综合体形式运作市场,助推草业经济的发展。 Grassland which covers 41.7% of the land area is the biggest terrestrial ecosystem of China, with an area at about 0.4 billion hm^2. Grassland is not only the key resources for modern agriculture and animal husbandry, but also the critical defense for country's ecosystem safety. However, because of the longtime unreasonable exploitation and utilization, the grassland are facing serious problems such as degrading ecological system, decreasing productivity, prominent conflicts between grass and livestock, low efficiency in animal production, etc. Because of the decreasing of the ecological and productive functions, the grassland area has become one of the limited areas for sustainable development strategy of China. Exploiting the potential of grassland production systematically and sustainably and improving the ecological and productive function of the grassland effectively are the key guarantees for reinforcing ecological safety and ecological civilization construction, accelerating the transformation and development of modern animal husbandry industry. There are three approaches to exploit the potential of grassland productivity. First, reconstruction of the degraded grasslands and improvement of the productivity of natural grasslands. Second, construction of the dry land artificial pasture. Third, development of high efficiency grass industry. Methods such as natural restoration, optimized utilization, and artificially development et al can be taken according to the degrading condition of the grasslands. As a result, these methods can accelerate the process of grassland restoration and improve the grassland productivity by 20% to 30%, even up to 40%-50%. Concerning the limitation of water and soil resources, in semiarid areas, the emphases should be put on changing crop land into forage land and developing dry cultivated pasture; breeding good quality forage varieties with the characteristics of drought resistance, cold hardiness, and grazing tolerance by exploiting the potential of native forage genetic resources. Improvement of the usage efficiency of water and soil resources and dry land productive efficiency by developing and using dryland cultivating technology, harvesting and processing technology, soil conservation technology, are all effective technologies. Through these development methods, grassland productivity can be increased by two to three times. In areas with sufficient and balanced water and heat resources, high efficiency water-saving irrigated artificial pasture should be constructed appropriately according to the local hydrological conditions. Assuming that if the productivity of this high efficient irrigated pasture can be improved by 10 to 20 times, the annual forage yield will be increased by 15 to 30 million tons, which is about the yield of 2 to 4 million ha natural grassland. Suggestions were put forward on guarantee of tapping the grassland potential continuous. First, taking full advantage of the driving function of grassland eco-compensation policy. It needs pushing on the transformation of the development mode to encourage the optimized management of grassland with the category of grass-animal balance. Second, carrying out the research and development actions to tap grassland productive potential sustainably. The key research and develop actions including the integration and demonstration of critical techniques to increase natural grassland productivity, the model and demonstration of high efficiency grass-animal husbandry industry techniques in semi farm semi herd areas, the technique choke points in forage production and procession to improve the usage efficiency of forages. Third, constructing modern grass industry demonstration in different areas. By constructing regional demonstration plot according to the grassland characters and areas, and building whole industrial chain, achieve the integration and optimal allocation of all kinds of resources. Forth, cultivating new business entities, improving and perfecting the market system, boosting the development of grass economics.
作者 侯向阳
出处 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第16期3229-3238,共10页 Scientia Agricultura Sinica
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(2014CB138806) 国家国际科技合作专项(2013DFR30760) 内蒙古自然科学基金重大项目(2010ZD08)
关键词 草原生产潜力 退化草原恢复 旱作栽培草地 高效灌溉草地 potential of grassland production grassland restoration cultivated pasture on dryland irrigated cultivated pasture
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