
基于TRIZ实例解到领域解的类比转化过程研究 被引量:4

Analogical transformation process from TRIZ cases to comain solutions
摘要 为提高发明问题解决理论实例解向领域解转化的效率,将类比思维方法应用于该转化过程中,提出系统化的过程模型,为该过程的计算机化提供了参考框架。对目标设计进行功能分析及表征,并以此检索类比源,找到实例解。依据技术系统的组成要素,提出类比源的选择依据及定性相似性分析方法,初步筛选源设计方案。利用改进的模糊层次分析法对候选源设计方案的衡量指标进行权重赋值,并借助于加权欧式距离,对类比源的优先度进行定量分析及排序,提供最优类比源,指导概念设计。将该过程模型应用于背负式枸杞采摘机的改进设计中,提出一种新型采摘机的概念设计方案,证明了该方法的有效性。 To enhance the transformation efficiency between TRIZ cases and domain solutions, a systematic process model was put forward. The analogy method was integrated in the application of transformation process, which provided an instructive frame for the computerization of this procedure. Function analysis and representation of the target design were performed to index the analogical source and find out case solution. The selective basis and qualitative similarity analysis method of analogical source was presented to filter the design cases preliminary according to the elements of technical system. The weight assignment of measurement indicator in the candidate theme was proceeded using modified fuzzy AHP. And then, the quantitative analysis and sort was performed on the priority of analogical sources using the Weighted Euclidean Distance. This model was used to provide optimal analogical source and guide the concept design. A new conceptual design of picking machine was presented to prove the validity of this model.
出处 《机械设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期26-32,共7页 Journal of Machine Design
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51275153) 国家创新方法工作专项资助项目(2013IM030400)
关键词 发明问题解决理论 实例解 领域解 转化过程 模糊层次分析法 TRIZ general case specific solution transformation process FAHP
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