目的了解桂林市城区居民期望寿命的现状,并探讨影响居民期望寿命的主要原因。方法利用SPSS 20.0软件及桂林市2008-2014年的死亡数据绘制各年份寿命表,计算其期望寿命;同时分析影响期望寿命的前5位死因,并计算去死因后的期望寿命。结果桂林市城区居民在2008-2014年里,期望寿命逐年下降,且以2011年为转折点,2011年为下降的最低点,之后呈现小幅度的上升。2008年为85.51岁,之后稍有上升,2014年为81.38岁,7年间共下降了4.13岁。男性期望寿命低于女性。去除循环系统疾病后可增加期望寿命3.97~6.49岁;去除呼吸系统疾病可增加期望寿命3.38~6.22岁;去除其他异常所见类可增加期望寿命1.07~2.06岁;去除肿瘤可增加期望寿命0.52~1.05岁;去除损伤与中毒可增加期望寿命0.27~0.40岁。结论桂林市城区居民期望寿命呈现逐年下降趋势;针对不同性别,居民的疾病防控重点应有所不同。
Objective To understand the current life expectancy of residents in Guilin and explore the main causes affecting the life expectancy of residents. Methods To draw the life table of each year and calculate the life expectancy using the death data of Guilin residents from 2008 to 2014 by SPSS 20. 0. At the same time,to analyze the top five causes of death affecting life expectancy and calculate the life expectancy excluding causes of death. Results The life expectancy dropped year by year during 2008- 2014,and there was a turning point in 2011,the life expectancy was the lowest for all in 2011,then was a slow recovery. It was 85. 51 years in 2008. And it was slightly rising,81. 38 years in 2014.There were 4. 13 years dropped in the seven years. The life expectancy in male is lower than which in female. The life expectancy would increase 3. 97-6. 49 years,3. 38-6. 22 years,1. 07-2. 06 years,0. 52-1. 05 years and 0. 27-0. 40 years respectively after removing circulatory system disease,respiratory system disease the other diseases,tumor and injury and poisoning. Conclusions The trends of life expectancy for Guilin urban citizens kept decreasing. The residents of disease control and prevention focus should be different by sex.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention
Life expectancy
Life tables
Cause of death