
移动搜索行为的性别差异研究 被引量:8

A Resesrch of Gender Differences in Mobile Search Behavior
摘要 为研究移动搜索行为的性别差异,以TPB、TAM和TTF为基础构建移动搜索行为的综合模型。通过问卷调查移动搜索用户,采用偏最小二乘法对模型进行验证。研究发现:移动搜索意愿存在显著差别,男性搜索意愿高于女性;不同性别用户移动搜索行为结构方程模型的结构路径与系数存在很大差异,表明性别具有显著的调节作用。比较不同类型用户对移动搜索行为及影响的感知差异,针对性地提出移动搜索行为优化及移动搜索服务提升策略。 To investigate gender differences in mobile search behavior, this study builds a structural equation model of mobile search behavior from the integrated perspective of TPB, TAM and TTF. And the model is validated by partial least squares (PLS) method based on the investigation on the mobile search users. The study shows that there are significant gender differences in mobile searching intention and male users' intentions to use mobile search is apparently higher than that of female users, and also there are differences in structural path and coefficient for the structural equation model of mobile searching intention of users in different gender, which indicates the significant moderating effect of gender factor. Comparing difference perceived by different gender users regarding mobile search behaviors and their influencing factors, the study puts forward optimizing strategies oriented to mobile search behavior and service accordingly.
出处 《图书馆学研究》 CSSCI 2016年第17期47-58,74,共13页 Research on Library Science
基金 广东省自然科学基金项目"大数据信息资源云建设与深度挖掘研究" 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目"信息生态视角下的网络信息资源优化配置研究"(编号:12YJC870004) 国家自然科学基金项目"基于云计算的公共信息服务机制研究"(项目编号:71263006)的研究成果之一
关键词 移动搜索 信息行为 搜索意愿 性别差异 mobile search information behavior searching intention gender differences
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