

Synthesis of Vancomycin Modified Europium-doped Layered Double Hydroxides for Fluorescent Labeling and Disinfection of Bacteria
摘要 通过阴离子交换法制备万古霉素改性的铕掺杂锌铝类水滑石,并考察该材料对革兰氏阴性细菌的检测识别和对革兰氏阳性细菌的抑菌活性。所制备的产品通过X射线衍射,透射电镜,荧光等进行了表征。结果表明万古霉素改性的铕掺杂类水滑石纳米片层材料的粒径在50nm左右,而且材料具有较好的荧光性能。利用材料的荧光性质和万古霉素与大肠杆菌之间的作用实现了对大肠杆菌的荧光标记检测;同时,该材料可以利用万古霉素的抗菌性实现对革兰氏阳性细菌的杀灭。结果显示,万古霉素改性的铕掺杂类水滑石具有较好的荧光标记细菌性能和杀菌作用。该材料的合成对于致病菌的快速、方便检测和控制有着重要意义。 Vancomycin modified europium-doped layered double hydroxides nanosheets were prepared by anion-exchange method. The obtained products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and fluorescent spectroscopy. The results demonstrated that the prepared vancomycin modified europium-doped layered double hydroxides nanosheets with diameter of 50nm in size showed highly efficient fluorescent property. The labeling and in-situ disinfection of bacteria by the prepared nanocomposites were tested against of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Results indicated that vancomycin modified europium-doped layered double hydroxides nanosheets not only showed efficient bacteria labeling by fluorescent property of vancomycin modified europium-doped LDHs nanosheets, but also demonstrated high gram-positive bacteria disinfection properties due to the effect of vancomycin. The synthesis of the nanocomposites was of great significance in the sterilization field.
作者 马立艳
出处 《材料科学与工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期581-585,共5页 Journal of Materials Science and Engineering
基金 福建省教育厅科技资助项目(JA11182)
关键词 铕掺杂 类水滑石 感光剂 荧光标记 杀菌 Europium-doped LDHs sensitizer labeling disinfection
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