目的了解浙江省嵊州市2010-2014年性传播疾病(简称"性病")的流行病学特征,为制定性病管理和预防控制对策提供依据。方法对嵊州市2010-2014年报告的5种性病资料进行分析。结果 2010-2014年嵊州市累计报告5种性病共计3027例,总体报告发病率呈现逐年下降的趋势;病种以梅毒(占39.35%)和淋病(占26.33%)为主,女性发病高于男性;20~39岁组(62.31%)为高发年龄;职业以农民居多(58.34%)。结论嵊州市性病流行趋势依然严峻,需要进一步加强以政府为主导,各部门各负其责的综合防控措施,卫生行政部门应加强宣传工作,提高人群性病防治知识水平和自我保护意识。
Objective To describe the epidemiological characteristics of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) from 2010 to 2014 in Shengzhou city of Zhejiang province, and provide basis for their prevention and control. Methods The case of 5 kinds STDs in Shengzhou during the period of 2010 to 2014 years were analyzed. Results During this period a total of 3027 cases of 5 kinds STDs were reported in Shengzhou city. The overall incidence rate was decreased by years;Syphilis (incidence rate of 39.35% )and gonorrhea (incidence rate of 26.33% )were the main kinds .The incidence rate of female was higher than that of male.20-39 age group (incidence rate of 62.31%)was the high incidence of age.Most cases were farmers (incidence rate of 58.34% ). Conclusion STDs epidemic situation in Shengzhou is still grim. Need to further strengthen the government-led, individual departments of comprehensive prevention and control measures. The health administrative department should strengthen the propaganda work, improve the level of STD prevention and control knowledge and ego to protect consciousness.
Chinese Journal of Public Health Management
sexually transmitted diseases
epidemiological analysis
control and prevention