
激光点火窗口动态承压能力的试验研究 被引量:2

Dynamic Pressure Bearing Capacity of a Laser Ignition Window
摘要 为测试某大口径火炮发射过程中激光点火窗口承受动态压力载荷的能力,设计了一种半密闭动态加压模拟装置,建立了装置内部火药燃烧与气体压力变化的数学模型,并验证了其合理性。利用该装置对炮用激光点火窗口进行了动态压力加载试验,并将火炮膛内和半密闭加压装置中实测压力变化曲线进行了对比分析。结果表明,被试光学窗口能够满足火炮激光点火的要求。半密闭加压装置能够较好地模拟火炮内弹道过程中的动态加压环境,为炮用激光点火窗口动态承压能力的测试提供一种可行的方法。 A semi-closed pressure-loading vessel was designed to test the dynamic pressure bearing capacity of a laser ignition window. The mathematical model that describes the relationship between the propellant combustion and the pressure in the vessel was built and its validity was verified. The calculated results were fairly consistent with those achieved from tests. Then the vessel was used to test the bearing capacity of a sapphire window sample, the curves showing the pressure variation of the vessel were obtained and compared with those of the gun chamber. The results indicate that the sapphire window sample could satisfy the requirement of the gun's laser ignition. This vessel could simulate the actual dynamic pressure variation of the interior ballistic of the gun,which may provide a valid method for testing the dynamic pressure bearing capacity of the laser ignition window.
作者 刘伟 魏建国 王育维 张洪汉 LIU Wei WEI Jian-Guo WANG Yu-Wei ZHANG Hong-Han(Northwest Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Xianyang 712099, China)
出处 《高压物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期414-418,共5页 Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics
关键词 激光点火窗口 动态加压 半密闭加压装置 数值模拟 laser ignition window dynamic pressure semi-closed vessel numerical simulation
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