

Aesthetic Value of Modern Design in the Perspective of Existentialism of Zhuangzi
摘要 文章通过比较庄子哲学与海德格尔哲学中"真"的概念,从生存论层面重新阐释庄子思想中"真"的内涵。从庄子以"本真"为宗的生存论美学出发,从设计主体与设计对象,设计主体与生存环境及其与自然环境三个维度探讨现代设计内涵,将现代设计实践看作本真状态下的审美体验活动。 By comparison conception of "truth" within the context of Zhuangzi philosophy and that of Heidegger' s text, the intrinsic connotation of "truth" was re-claimed on the existential dimension rather than ontological dimension. Starting off from the "true" in the sight of existentialism of Zhangzi, it provides a new and potential method to explore the nature of modern design from three aspects: the interrelations between design subjects and design objects, design subjects and their living environment, and even natural environment, re-evaluating the design practice as an aesthetic experience in the natural state.
作者 耿阳 GENG Yang(School of Architecture and Fine Art, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 116023, China)
出处 《艺术与设计(理论版)》 2016年第9期32-34,共3页 Art and Design
基金 辽宁省社科规划基金:"数字化艺术传播与辽宁省农村文化建设研究"(L13CWJ021)
关键词 庄子 现代设计 审美体验 Zhuangzi ture design aesthetic experience
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  • 1亚里士多德 罗念生译.《修辞学》[M].北京:三联书店,1991..
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  • 3鲍桑葵.《美学史》[M].商务印书馆,1985年版.第351,363,137页.
  • 4亚里士多德 吴寿彭译.《形而上学》[M].北京:商务印书馆,1996年版.第305-306页.
  • 5席勒.《美育书简》.第23封信,第15封信.
  • 6《进入澄明之境-哲学的新方向》.商务印书馆1999年版,"论惊异"章.
  • 7John Sallis,Delimitations,Indiana University Press,1995,第10页.
  • 8Kenneth Maly 编.The Path of Archlaic Thinking,第172页.
  • 9《进人澄明之境》“超越在场”章和“思维与想象”章.
  • 10《进人澄明之境》"超越在场"章和"艺术中的隐蔽与显现"章.


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