
急性脑梗死患者神经功能缺损与血清PON-1和ox-LDL水平的相关性研究 被引量:14

Correlation analysis between neurological deficit and serum levels of PON-1 and ox-LDL in the patients of acute cerebral infarction
摘要 目的检测急性脑梗死患者血清对氧磷酶-1(paraoxonase 1,PON-1)和氧化型低密度脂蛋白(oxidized low density lipoprotein,ox-LDL)水平,分析急性脑梗死患者神经功能缺损与血清PON-1和ox-LDL水平的相关性。方法根据第四届全国脑血管病会议制订的诊断标准,选择符合条件的急性脑梗死患者78例、非脑梗死对照组52例。双抗体夹心ELISA法测定ox-LDL血清水平,采用乙酸苯酯法测定血清PON-1水平,所有急性脑梗死患者进行NIHSS评分和Glasgow昏迷评分。结果与非脑梗死对照组比较,脑梗死患者在性别、平均年龄和Glasgow昏迷评分上没有统计学意义,在危险因子上具有显著差别,脑梗死患者ox-LDL血清水平均显著高于对照组,PON-1血清水平均显著低于对照组。脑梗死患者NIHSS评分分数随着ox-LDL血清水平的增高而增加,随着PON-1血清水平的降低而增高。脑梗死患者Glasgow评分分数随着ox-LDL血清水平的增高而降低,随着PON-1血清水平的增高而增高。结论在急性脑梗死患者中血清PON-1和ox-LDL水平和神经功能缺损有着密切的关系。ox-LDL血清水平的越高,神经功能缺损就越重,相反PON-1血清水平的越低,神经功能缺损就越重。 Objective To analyse the relationship between neurological dysfunction in acute cerebral in- farction and serum levels of PON-1 artd ox-LDL, and evaluate the role of PON-1 and ox-LDL in the pathogenesis of acute cerebral infarction. Methods 78 cases of patients with acute cerebral infarction were collected ac- cording to the fourth Chinese national diagnostic criteria of cerebrovascular diseases. The subjects were divided into two groups., acute cerebral infarction group (78 cases), control group without acute cerebral infarction (52 cases ) . Ox- LDL was measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ; phenyl acetate method is used to determine serum levels of PON-1, all of the patients with acute cerebral infarction tested by NIHSS score, Glas- gow coma scale and CT and MRI diagnosis. Results There is no statistical significance in average age,gender and Glasgow coma scale between control group and cerebral infarction one. It has significant difference on risk factors and PON-1 and ox-LDL levels. In patients with cerebral infarction NIHSS score increased with serum levels of ox-LDL while Glasgow score negatively correlated with serum levels of ox-LDL. The PON-1 serum level of cerebral infarction patients positively correlated with Glasgow score and negatively correlated with the NIHSS score. Conclusion The serum PON-1 and ox-LDL levels are closely related with neurological deficit in the patients of acute cerebral infarction. Serum levels of PON-1 and ox-LDL can indirectly reflect the acute cerebral infarction neurological symptoms. The serum levels of PON-1 and ox-LDL may be used to evaluate diagnosis and treatment of acute cerebral infarction effectively.
出处 《卒中与神经疾病》 2016年第4期250-254,共5页 Stroke and Nervous Diseases
关键词 急性脑梗死 神经功能缺损 对氧磷酶-1 氧化型低密度脂蛋白 Acute cerebral infarction Neurological deficit Paraoxonase 1 Oxidized low density lipoprotein
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