
原位化学钝化技术在重金属污染土壤修复中的研究进展 被引量:15

A review of In situ Chemical Immobilization Remediation of Heavy Metals in Contaminated Soils
摘要 原位化学钝化修复技术是一种简单可行的修复技术,在重金属污染修复技术的推广中具有不可替代的作用。目前使用的钝化剂可以分为无机、有机和复合类新型三种,探讨了不同钝化剂钝化重金属的机理。从影响钝化效果的主要因素、评价指标、钝化机理、污染土壤的修复标准等方面分析了原位钝化技术研究现状和存在的问题。 In situ immobilization of heavy metal in contaminated soils could decrease the mobility and bioavailabili- ty of heavy metals by adding substances in the soil. In situ chemical immobilization remediation technology is a simple and feasible technology. It has an irreplaceable role in the promotion of contaminated soil remediation. Many natural substances or industrial by - products that have the capture of entrap heavy metal ions can be obtained and employed. Using laboratory evaluation and field application, the efficiency of the heavy metals could be evaluated as well as the long -term stability and the ability of secondary pollution. In this paper, the resources and types of the amendments were classified into inorganic type, organic type and compound new material, and the possible im- mobilization mechanisms for the remediation of heavy metals - contaminated soils were discussed. The present re- searches about the in situ immobilization of heavy metals in soil were analyzed involving the main factors of immobi- lization effect, evaluating indicator, stabilization mechanisms and standard for remediation of contaminated soil. Moreover, the limitations and prospects of the in situ immobilization of heavy metals in soil were discussed. The development of in situ chemical immobilization technology was put forward.
出处 《环境科学导刊》 2016年第A01期121-124,共4页 Environmental Science Survey
关键词 原位钝化 重金属污染 污染土壤 修复技术 in situ immobilization heavy metal contaminated soil assessment of remediation technology
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