
可穿戴技术的教育应用研究前沿述评 被引量:3

A Research Review on Frontiers of Wearable Technology Application in Education
摘要 可穿戴技术是当前科技领域的热点与前沿问题,并已开始应用于教育,医疗,工业等社会各个领域。它为人们的学习,生活和工作提供了前所未有的便利。本文简要概述可穿戴技术的定义及其应用分类,并以教育领域为切入点,重点阐述可穿戴技术的教育应用现状,对其教育可供性进行探讨,以期为未来可穿戴技术的教育应用和发展提供前沿性参考。 Wearable technology is a hot and leading topic in the field of science and technology and has already started its application in education, health care, industry and other social sectors. It offers an un- precedented convenience for people's study, life and work. The paper provides a brief overview of the def- inition of wearable technology and classifies its applications, then emphasises on the situation of applica- tion of wearable technology in education sector and discusses its affordances in education. The study tries to provide the reference for the future development of application of wearable technology in education.
作者 蔡武
出处 《海外华文教育》 2016年第5期697-707,共11页 Overseas Chinese Education
关键词 可穿戴技术 教育 可供性 wearable technology education affordance
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