
在线课程学习体验:内涵、发展及影响因素 被引量:132

The Learning Experience of Online Course: Connotation, Development Process and Influencing Factors
摘要 学习体验是近年来在线课程研究中的一个热点话题,它为在线课程建设、学习活动设计以及学习质量评估提供了全新的视角。目前对在线课程学习体验的研究还处于起步阶段,尚缺乏对其基本理论问题的厘清。根据文章的分析,在线课程学习体验可以理解为学习者对在线课程学习过程及学习结果的感知与情感反应,其主要特征表现为主体性、实践性和情感性,它包含了课程环境、学习活动以及学习效果等三个维度,其形成与发展可以简化为三个主要阶段:环境感知阶段、活动体验阶段、效果评估与价值判断阶段。影响在线课程学习体验的因素是多元的,主要包括课程环境、学习者特征、课程设计、教师或助学者、社会性交互等几个方面。 Learning experience is a hot topic in the recent research of online course, it provides a new perspective for building online curriculum, designing online learning activities and assessing learning quality. Research on learning experience of online course is still in its infancy, and the exploration of basic theory is still lacking. According to the analysis of this article, the learning experience of online course can be understood as learners' perception and affective reaction about their learning process and result in an online course. The main characteristic of it is characterized by subjectivity, practicality and emotionality. It contains three core elements, the experience of course environment, learning activities and learning effects. The formation and development can be simplified into three main stages, environment perception, activity experience, effect evaluation and value judgment. The factors that affect the learning experience of online courses are multivariate, including course environment, learner characteristics, course design, teacher and facilitator, social interaction and other aspects.
出处 《中国电化教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第10期90-96,共7页 China Educational Technology
基金 陕西师范大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目"提升大学生在线课程学习投入的教师干预策略研究"(项目编号:2016CBY011)的研究成果
关键词 在线课程 学习体验 内涵 发展过程 影响因素 Online Course Learning Experience Connotation Development Process Influencing Factors
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