
某三级甲等医院临床护士医用粘胶相关皮肤损伤预防知识和行为调查 被引量:43

Prevention Knowledge and Practice of Medical Adhesive-related Skin Injury in Clinical Nurses of a Class Ⅲ GradeⅠHospital
摘要 目的调查临床护士医用粘胶相关皮肤损伤预防知识和行为。方法采用自行设计问卷,运用方便抽样法对江苏省某三级甲等医院122名临床护士进行调查,采用SPSS 21.0进行统计分析。结果临床护士医用粘胶相关皮肤损伤预防知识得分为(57.62±3.66)分,预防行为得分为(71.90±6.04)分,知识和行为得分呈正相关(r=0.295,P=0.001);工作年限不同的临床护士预防知识得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);预防知识问卷正确率最低的2个条目属于"粘胶产品选择"维度;预防行为各条目得分为(1.98±1.09)至(4.57±0.63)分,"使用皮肤保护剂"条目得分最低。结论临床护士医用粘胶相关皮肤损伤预防知识和行为存在不足,需进一步加强相关培训,提高临床护士预防知识,改善预防行为。 Objective To investigate the prevention knowledge and practice of medical adhesive-related skin injury in clinical nurses. Methods A self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate 122 clinical nurses from a class Ⅲ grade Ⅰ hospital in Jiangsu. Results The score of prevention knowledge of medical adhesive-related skin injury was 57.62 ±3.66 and that of prevention practice 71.90 ±6.04 and they were positively correlated(r =0.295, P =0.001). Significant difference was found from nurses with different length of work experience(P〈0.05). The lowest score in knowledge questionnaire was from the dimension of adhesive product choice. And the scores of different items in prevention practice questionnaire ranged from 1.98 ±1.09 to 4.57 ±0.63 and the lowest score was from the item of skin protectant. Conclusion The prevention knowledge and practice of medical adhesive-related skin injury of clinical nurses are insufficient.The training of prevention knowledge and practice for clinical nurses should be strengthened to increase their knowledge and improve their practice.
出处 《护理学报》 2016年第17期54-57,共4页 Journal of Nursing(China)
基金 江苏现代医院管理研究中心课题(JSY-3-2016-051)
关键词 医用粘胶相关皮肤损伤 预防 临床护士 medical adhesive-related skin injury prevention clinical nurse
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