
基于GARP生态位模型湿地水鸟空间分布模拟研究 被引量:2

Predicting the Potential Distribution of Wetland-dependant Birds,Based on GARP Niche Model
摘要 以香港米铺后海湾湿地2009年1月份15个区的湿地依赖性水鸟调查数据及同期本区高、中分辨率遥感影像数据、气候数据及地形数据为基础,利用GIS和RS技术来获取9种与水鸟密切相关的环境变量因子,选取GARP生态位模型,进行水鸟空间分布模拟.结果表明:基于GARP生态位模型模拟水鸟空间分布,经AUC值检验训练样本点结果为0.859,水鸟空间分布模拟结果较好.模拟的水鸟空间分布状态也进一步证实了湿地依赖性水鸟的分布特征,潮间带、大片的基塘区域是其主要栖息场所,红树林、草滩区为其次要栖息场所,而深水域、城市用地及城市绿地区域,由于人类活动频繁干扰了水鸟的栖息,水鸟分布较少或者没有. Based on waterfowl birds' survey data,we select the 15 districts of it in Maipo-Deep Bay wetland of Hong Kong,January 2009 as a case.Then,we collect the high resolution remote sensing data,climate and terrain data of this area at the same period.Finally,we use GIS and RS technology to obtain nine kinds of impact factors.The genetic algorithm for rule-set prediction(GARP)niche model is used to simulate the space distribution of wetland-dependant birds.The result simulation waterfowl has achieved good effect.The AUC value is 0.859.The simulation results demonstrate the characteristics of the distribution of wetland dependent waterfowl,intertidal zone and large areas of the pond area is their main habitat.Mangrove,marsh,followed by habitat,due to human activities frequently interfered with the habitat of waterfowl,the waterfowl distribution less or no in deep bay,urban land used and urban green space area.
作者 邹丽丽
出处 《湘潭大学自然科学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第3期118-121,共4页 Natural Science Journal of Xiangtan University
基金 国家自然科学青年基金项目(41501567) 江苏省教育厅项目(61421542002) 江苏省高校自然科学重点项目(14KJA170006)
关键词 湿地依赖性水鸟 分布模拟 GARP 生态位模型 wetland-dependant birds potential distribution GARP niche model
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