
基于核心素养学习进阶的科学教学设计 被引量:321

Instructional Design of Science Lessons based on the Learning Progression of Key Competencies
摘要 本研究团队分三个研究阶段对科学核心概念和关键能力的学习进阶进行了理论研讨和实证研究,建构了"能量""机械运动与力"等核心概念和"科学解释""科学论证"等关键能力的学习进阶,并尝试将概念理解和关键能力的进阶进行整合教学。在建构学习进阶的同时,提出了基于学习进阶的科学教学设计模型并进行了实证检验,在教学实验、师范生培养和在职教师培训上都取得了良好的效果。 The well-designed instruction is the heart towards the development of key competencies. The research on learning .progression provides a new perspective for the improvement of instructional design in science education. Based on the paradigm of learning progression, our group conducted a theoretical and empirical investigation on the learning progressions of discipline core ideas and of key scientific practices in three research stages. We constructed learning progressions for discipline core ideas (e. g. energy, force and motion, etc.) and for key scientific practices (e. g. scientific explanation, scientific argumentation, etc.), and made an initial integration of above two kinds of learning progressions in instruction. Meanwhile, the Learning-Progression-Driven instructional design model (the LPD design model) was proposed and tested empirically. Positive feedback had been received when it was applied in teaching experiment, the training of novice teacher and in the teacher professional development activities.
作者 郭玉英 姚建欣 Guo Yuying Yao Jianxin(Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875 National Center for School Curriculum and Teaching Material Development, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100029, China)
出处 《课程.教材.教法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第11期64-70,共7页 Curriculum,Teaching Material and Method
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划项目"基于科学概念学习进阶的教学设计模型研究"(13YJA880022)
关键词 科学教育 核心素养 学习进阶 教学设计 science education key competencies learning progression instructional design
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