目的研发羊粪收集袋,在简便易行、避免污染的前提下提高羊粪样本收集的准确性和完整性;改良塑料杯顶管孵化法,使其操作简便规范,具有较强的可比性,以适应羊日本血吸虫病病原学诊断和科学研究的需要。方法基于湖区山羊体形特征,采用棉纱粗平布面料设计缝制一种可固定在羊臀部、可脱卸、可避免尿液污染(粪尿分离)的羊粪收集袋。在进行羊粪塑料杯顶管孵化前,采用机械法代替常规人工捣碎羊粪标本,比较机械捣碎处理对顶管孵化法孵化毛蚴的影响。在塑料杯顶管孵化法顶管与杯盖橡皮圈之间加一滤膜,以阻挡粪渣漂浮物进入顶管,比较薄层脱脂棉滤膜、厚层脱脂棉滤膜、100孔/25.4 mm^2尼龙绢和150孔/25.4 mm^2尼龙绢等4种滤膜对毛蚴孵出观察的影响。结果羊粪收集袋由前腿固定衫、后腿固定衫和粪便袋3部分构成,固定衫主要功能是固定收集袋,使其在羊活动时不移位且能承载重量,粪便袋主要功能是存放粪便。携带粪便收集袋的山羊活动不受影响,所排放粪便均落入袋中,并可按需要随时取用。该袋装卸方便,粪便标本可避免尿液污染,收集袋可在清洗后重复使用。羊粪样本用于塑料杯顶管毛蚴孵化法前,加适量水后采用JYL-C16V型九阳牌料理机,按18 000 r/min搅碎10 s,连续3次,每次间隔5 s,可将山羊粪便标本均匀粉碎,采用该法机械搅碎羊粪对毛蚴孵化无影响。同一份羊粪标本用于塑料杯顶管孵化法时,在顶管与橡皮圈间分别加垫100孔/25.4 mm^2尼龙绢、150孔/25.4 mm^2尼龙绢、薄层脱脂棉滤膜和厚层脱脂棉滤膜后,获得毛蚴总数分别为541、620、344条和211条,表明采用100孔/25.4 mm^2尼龙绢和150孔/25.4 mm^2尼龙绢观察效果均好。结论羊粪收集袋操作方便、适用、可重复使用,可用于山羊血吸虫感染病原学诊断和科学研究;用机械搅碎和150孔/25.4 mm^2尼龙绢改良塑料杯顶管法的相关操作,可提高山羊日本血吸虫病原学检测的方便性和准确性。
Objective To develop a simple,feasible goat feces collector to improve the collection accuracy and integrity of goat fecal samples without pollution,and to modify the miracidium hatching test with a plastic tube to achieve simple,standard and comparative procedures,so as to provide technical support for pathogenic diagnosis and scientific research of goat schistosomiasis japonica. Methods According to the body features of goat in marshland regions,a goat fecal collector,which was made of coarse fabric cottons,was devised,which was able to be fixed onto the goat buttocks and avoid urine pollution. Prior to miracidium hatching test,the goat fecal samples were pieced by using a mechanical method instead of the conventional artificial piecing method,and the effect of mechanical piecing treatment on miracidium hatching was evaluated. A filter membrane was added between the tube and rubbery ring to block the floater in fecal residues into the tube. The effects on miracidium hatching by using thin fat-free cotton,thick fat-free cotton,nylon gauze at 100 pores/25.4 mm^2 and 150 pores/25.4 mm^2 were compared.Results The goat feces collector was composed of foreleg fixing garment,hindleg fixing garment and stool bag. The functions of the fixing garment were as a fixed collector to allow non-shift and tolerance of weight during goat activity,while the major function of stool bag was in storage of stool. The goat activity was not influenced by the use of collector,and all fecal samples were excreted to the bag. This collector was easy to perform and could avoid urine pollution,which was reusable after cleaning. Prior to miracidium hatching,the goat fecal samples,together with water,were pieced at 18 000 to 23 000 r/min for successive three times in a cooking machine,of 10 s each time at an interval of 5 s. Mechanical piecing had no clear-cut effect on miracidium hatching of eggs in fecal samples. A total of 541,620,344 and 211 miracidia were detected by using the miracidium hatching test with nylon gauze at 100 pores/25.4 mm^2 and 150 pores/25.4 mm^2,thin fat-free cotton and thick fat-free cotton respectively,indicating a better detection efficacy by using nylon gauze at 100 pores/25.4 mm^2 and 150 pores/25.4 mm^2. Conclusions The goat fecal collector is an easy-to-perform,accurate,unpolluted and reusable device to collect goat feces,which is suitable for pathogenic diagnosis of goat schistosomiasis. Mechanical piecing and use of nylon gauze at 150 pores/25.4 mm^2 allow a simple,accurate and stable technique for parasitological diagnosis of schistosomiasis japonica,which provides a reliable tool for schistosomiasis control and research.
Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control
Schistosomiasis japonica
Miracidium hatching test with a plastic cube