
含尾翼张开运动的膛口流场三维数值模拟 被引量:2

3D Numerical Simulation of Muzzle Flow Field with Opening Empennage
摘要 带尾翼稳定装置的弹丸,尾翼在张开过程中会受到膛口流场的强烈扰动,导致尾翼结构变形甚至损坏,致使弹丸不能正常飞行。因此有必要对含尾翼弹丸的膛口流场进行数值模拟分析。运用三维N-S方程结合FLUENT局部重构法,对弹丸飞出制退器以及尾翼张开过程的膛口流场进行数值模拟和分析;根据数值仿真结果分析了膛口流场对尾翼受力状况和运动状态的影响;所得结论对研究膛口气流流动,尾翼的结构设计及后效期有效张开具有一定参考意义。 As for projectile with empennage stabilizing device, its empennage will bear strong disturbance from muzzle flow field during its opening process, cause the empennage structure deformation and damage, resulting in failure of projectile flight, so, numerical simulation analysis on projectile with empennage muzzle flow field is necessary. Three-dimensional N-S equations were used, combined with FLUENT local remeshing, numerical simulation of muzzle flow field for projectile flying out muzzle device and empennage opening were carried out. According to the numerical simulation, the effects of muzzle flow field on stress on empennage and motion state were analyzed. The conclusion can be referred for study on flow of muzzle flow, structure design and effective opening in aftereffect period of empennage.
出处 《弹箭与制导学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期59-62,共4页 Journal of Projectiles,Rockets,Missiles and Guidance
关键词 尾翼 膛口流场 局部重构法 数值模拟 empennage muzzle flow field local remeshing numerical simulation
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