Wetland is a kind of long-term or temporary marsh, peat and other shallow water areas with stationa- ry or flowing water bodies in natural and artificial borders of water and land system. Biodiversity, ecological hal- ance and other aspects play an important role. Because of the terland, the northern edge of the Qinghai Qilian alpine swamp wetland is located in the bin- -Tibet Plateau, away from the ocean and by the mountain barrier, precipitation scarce, dry climate. Surrounded by arid desert, semi-desert, desert, saline-alkali wasteland sur- rounded by natural interference strong, is a very fragile ecological environment. In addition, the destructive grab of wetland resources in recent years, the Qilian Mountains alpine swamp wetland ecosystem balance has been destroyed. Regeneration of alpine swamp wetland vegetation and its importance to wetland protection and restoration. Therefore, the effect of optimum stubble height on the re-growth of alpine swamp wetland was stud- ied by controlling the experiment. The results showed that the stubble height of 1 - 2 cm had significant positive effects on the aboveground biomass and cover of the vegetation, that is, 1 - 2 cm of stubble height was beneficial to vegetation re-growth, and could be used in wetland vegetation as a reference.
Qinghai Prataculture