The space of flows theory proposed by Manuel Castells has given birth to the network perspective of city network. In contrast with the traditional perspective of urban system which is based on the central place theory, city network perspective pays more attention to the interactions and linkages between cities and regions. Thus, the city network is becoming one of the new and hot topics in the field of urban geography."Chunyun"is a well-known socio-economic phenomenon unique to transitional China, which refers to a blooming of population flows during the Spring Festival, or refers to the period when the blooming happens. Previously,the real population flows data in"Chunyun"were difficult to obtain. The situation had not changed until the"Big data on human migration during the spring festival from Baidu map"("Baidu migration data"in short)came up. The big data were gathered from the locations provided by hundreds of millions smart phone users through Location Based Service(LBS) Baidu map data source, and was published in the form of interactive heat map that displays people's travel routes in China during the Chunyun period. Based on Baidu migration data, using degree of external linkages, dominant flows and network-based rank-size analysis, the spatial pattern of city network in transitional China was studied in this article. The study process certificates that Baidu migration data is indeed a high quality data sources for the study of city network, and has turned up some interesting results: 1) The distribution of external linkage degree of cities in China follows Zipf's law, but differs from the ideal Pareto distribution. 2) The factor of spatial distance and city level play key roles in the formation of urban network of China, and ensure the hierarchy and regularity of the network. 3) The spatial distribution of core linkages in the city network could be summarized as"Three-horizontal Two-longitudinal", which almost coincides with the rail arteries in China. The"Three-horizontal Two-longitudinal"linkages are skeletons of the city network, which matter a great deal in building the interregional contact and coordinating the interregional relationship. 4) In overall, the strength of interactions within the city network differs between East and West China, and Hu's line is apparently the dividing line. As potential powers, the linkages along the Lanzhou-Xinjiang railway line have the opportunity to break the Hu's line. 5) Northeast China lacks regional centers and the linkages between cities forms a bunchy network. 6) There is a phenomenon of"near field deprivation"in North China and South China, that is, the core city have strong interactions with outer regions, but the smaller cities in its near field have poor external linkages with the core city and outer regions. 7) Belt-shaped region may become a popular mode and the future backbone of regional economic development in China.
Wei Ye Xiu Chunliang Liu Zhimin Chen Wei(School of Geographical Sciences, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, Jilin, China Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beifing 100101, China Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)
Scientia Geographica Sinica
city network
population flows