在大田试验条件下,研究不同遮光(CK、15%、30%、45%)处理对猫爪草(Radix Ranunculus ternati)生长发育及产量和品质的影响。结果表明,与自然光照相比,全光照遮光度15%、30%的处理有利于猫爪草叶片和块根的生长,不利于主茎和花果的生长;能促进产量的提高,分别提高了2.99%和12.44%;但不利于总糖、多糖、蛋白质和黄酮的积累。而遮光度45%的遮光处理对猫爪草的生长、产量和品质均不利。适当的遮光处理有利于猫爪草生长和产量的提高,但不利于提高品质。综合产量和品质来考虑,试验条件下,30%的遮光度是最佳的处理,可应用于大田栽培。
The influences on the growth, quality and yield of Radix Ranunculus ternati under different shading treatment(CK、15%、30% 、45%) were studied. The results showed that compared with CK, the growth of leaf and root was beneficial under15%, 30% shading treatment; the growth of stem, root and flower was disadvantageous; and unit yield was increased by2.99% and 12.44%; the content of total sugar, polysaccharide, protein and flavonoid was descending. The effect of 45%shading treatment on growth, yield and quality was disadvantageous. Proper shading treatment is good for Radix Ranunculus ternati growth and yield, but not beneficial to its quality. Taking both yield and chemical ingredients into consideration, 30%shading treatment was he best choice under field conditions.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences