

The design and realization of virtual human motion editing system based on vector to solve the foot-slide
摘要 根据用户指定的路径,首先根据Gleicher[1]的方法得到带有滑步的运动序列,滑步现象破坏了运动的真实性。根据BVH计算约束脚的位置和方向,利用向量平移旋转约束脚去除滑步。最后利用IUP+OPENGL+LUA搭建运动编辑系统实现了实时生成任意角度的拐弯运动序列,验证了本系统的可行性。 According to the path specified by the user,the paper gets a motion sequence with the sliding step according to Gleicher[1]method firstly. But the slide phenomenon destroys the authenticity of movement. Secondly,combined with BVH,the paper calculates the position and orientation of the constraint foot. After that,the paper continuously uses vector translation to rotate the constraint foot for removing the slide. Finally,the paper further builds motion editing system used by IUP + OPENGL + LUA and realizes the sequence of turning movement at any angle in real time. The experiment verifies the feasibility of this system.
出处 《智能计算机与应用》 2016年第6期36-39,共4页 Intelligent Computer and Applications
关键词 计算机动画 人体运动编辑 向量 去滑步 BVH computer animation human motion editing vector remove the sliding step BVH
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