
人的国民性、世界历史性与教育 被引量:5

Man's National Character,World Historicity and Education
摘要 国民性是国民主体基于所处的独特的天地系统、国际环境和国家内部结构,在自己的生产和生活中历史地形成的、稳定的、普遍体现于每个国民个体的心理特征。人的世界历史性是在人类最广泛、最深刻的社会实践中生成的人的发展状态,是地域狭隘性和民族狭隘性的彻底扬弃,是人的全面发展的真正实现。现时代的人是世界历史进程中的国民性存在,无论是片面强调"人的世界历史性存在"的观点,还是片面强调"人的国民性存在"的观点,都没有真正从"现实的人"出发。应该严格区分"处于世界历史过程中的人"与"世界历史性存在的人"。现阶段,仍然应该强调国家利益和民族独特性,这并非"地域狭隘性"和"民族狭隘性"的表现。坚持"教劳结合",重视现代科技教育,发展生产力,完善社会制度,进一步提高人民生活水平,是改善国民性、提高民族素质、促进人的全面发展的唯一途径。 Based on the unique local geographical and human conditions, the international environment and the national structure, the national character formed historically in production and life; it is the stable psychological characteristics embodied generally in individual citizens. Man's world historicity formed in the most extensive and profoundest social practice, and it's the thorough discard of the regional parochial- ism and the national parochialism. Man's world historicity is the real implementation of man's all-round development. Man in modern times is the national character existence inthe process of world history. The one-sided emphasis on "man^s world historical existence" or "man^s national character existence" does not consider the "real people". "Man in the world history process" and "man as the world historical existence" should be strictly distinguished. Nowadays national interests and uniqueness should still be emphasized, and this isn't "the regional parochialism" or "the national parochialism". Adhering to "combining educa- tion with productive labor", paying attention to the modern technological education, developing productiv- ity, reforming social system and further improving people's living level are the only way to reform national character, improve national quality and promote man^s all-round development. Key words:
作者 孙振东 SUN Zhen-dong(Faculty of Education, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)
出处 《教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期3-9,共7页 Journal of Educational Studies
基金 2015年度教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"民族地区民生改善与文化教育发展互促研究"(项目编号:15JJDZONGHE021) 国家社科基金重点项目"西南民族地区民生改善调查研究"(项目编号:11AMZ004)的研究成果
关键词 全球化时代 人的国民性 人的世界历史性 人的全面发展 “教劳结合” the era of globalization~ man' s national character man 's world-historicity individual' s all-round development combining education with productive labor
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