

Monitoring and Alarming System Design for Hazardous Substances
摘要 为确保有害物质工作场所人员的安全,针对工作场所存在的有害物质,综合集成网络通信、软件开发、联动控制等技术,设计的有害物质监控与报警系统实现了工作场所有害物质的实时监测、超标即时报警和联动控制。该系统显著提高了工作场所有害物质的监控水平和监控效率,有效保障了工作场所人员的安全。 To ensure the safety of personnel in the workplace of hazardous substances, in the light Of hazardous substances in the workplace, the system integrated the technology of network communication, software development technology and interlocking control, we designed the monitoring and alarming system for hazardous substances, and realized the real-time monitoring, and exceed the standard instant alarm and linkage control on hazardous substances in the workplace. The system remarkably improves the level and efficiency on monitoring hazardous materials in the workplace, and effectively protects the safety of personnel in the workplace of hazardous substances.
作者 高照良 叶萌
机构地区 中国人民解放军
出处 《兵器装备工程学报》 CAS 2016年第12期35-37,41,共4页 Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering
关键词 有害物质 监控 报警 hazardous substances monitoring alarming
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