目的 探讨10 3 Pd粒子对人肝癌细胞 - 74 0 2的细胞毒作用 .方法 以体外培养的人肝癌细胞 - 74 0 2为研究对象 ,采用对照分组、体外细胞毒试验 (MTT)、方差分析 ,观察10 3 Pd粒子放疗对肝癌细胞 - 74 0 2的生长抑制作用 .结果 10 3 Pd粒子对肝癌细胞 - 74 0 2的细胞毒作用与照射时间、照射剂量有关 ,照射时间越长、照射剂量越大 ,细胞毒作用越强 .结论 人肝癌细胞 - 74 0 2对10 3 Pd粒子放疗敏感 .
Objective Studying the cytotoxic effect of radiotherapy of 103 Pd seed to human hepatoma cell line-7402. Methods Human hepatoma cell line (HCC-7402) was used in this study. The inhibitition pattern of cell growth was observed with MTT assay under 103 Pd seeds. The statistical analysis was performed by using Spss 10.0 for Windows Q-testing(Newman-Keuls). Results The time of obvious inhibitive effect was shorter on the high-dose of 103Pd seeds group than the one of low-dose. With extending of the duration of brachytherapy, the inhibitive effect could be showed on the low-dose of 103 Pd seeds group. The inhibitive effect in high-dose of 103 Pd seeds group was obvious on the second day of brachytherapy. The inhibitive effect in low-dose of 103 Pd seeds group was obvious on the tenth day of brachytherapy(p<0.05). The correlation of dose-effect and time-effect was close and time- and dose-dependent. Conclusions The HCC-7402 is radiosensitive to brachytherapy of 103 Pd. 103 Palladium seeds; Hhepatoma cell; Line-7402
Journal of Modern Clinical Medical Bioengineering
广州科技局立项资助项目 .计划编号 :(JB0 2 ) 2 0 0 1 - 2 - 0 36 - 0 1 - 3