
基于土壤含水量模拟的贵州山区旱地农业干旱监测方法 被引量:15

Research on Drought Monitoring of Dryland Agriculture Based on Soil Water Content Simulation in Guizhou Mountainous Area
摘要 针对贵州山区季节性农业干旱,建立基于土壤水分收支的旱地农业干旱监测方法。该方法应用历史逐日平均气温、降水量、日照时数等资料,通过降水有效性订正实现对土壤水分收入的计算,通过构建水分消耗经验公式实现对水分支出的计算,通过对逐日水分收入量和支出量的定量计算,实现土壤含水量的动态模拟。基于土壤水分模拟结果,结合干旱临界指标和土壤凋萎湿度等参数,构建了旱地农业干旱指数,实现干旱等级监测。对比检验结果表明,基于该方法的土壤含水量模拟结果能够反映土壤水分动态变化,构建的旱地农业干旱指数能够反映农业干旱等级,对贵州历史干旱的反演结果与干旱实际发生特征相符。 A drought monitoring method of dryland based on soil water content simulation in Guizhou mountainous area was established in this paper. Based on daily mean temperature, precipitation and sunshine hours data, through the effective precipitation correction and constructing an empirical formula of water consumption to calculate soil water income and consumption, the dynamic simulation of soil water content was implemented based on the quantitative calculation of daily soil water income and consumption. Based on the soil water content simulation results, the drought index of dryland agriculture was constructed, which integrated the drought critical index and soil wilting moisture parameter. Results show that the simulation of soil water content could reflect dynamic change of soil water in dryland, and the drought index of dryland agriculture constructed in this paper could reflect agricultural drought grade, and the inversion results of historical drought disasters were consistent with actual drought disasters occurring in Guizhou.
出处 《干旱气象》 2017年第1期29-35,共7页 Journal of Arid Meteorology
基金 国家自然科学基金"喀斯特区域土壤水分对气象要素响应规律研究"(41365008) 国家科技支撑计划课题"西南突发性灾害应急与防控技术集成与示范"(2012BAD20B06) 贵州省气象局业务发展重大科技专项"贵州省省级农业气象业务系统建设"(黔气科合ZD[2015]04号)共同资助
关键词 山区旱地 农业干旱 土壤水分 收支模拟 干旱指数 dryland in mountainous area agricultural drought soil water content simulation of soil water income and consumption drought index
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