

The Humanist value of Life-based Ideological and Political Education
摘要 塑造和发展人的生命是思想政治教育的使命。在马克思主义人学视域中,以人的生命存在为基点,形成了生命思想政治教育理论范式。对人的自然生命、社会生命、精神生命的塑造,彰显了生命思想政治教育的人学价值。 Shaping and developing hunman life is the mission of ideological and political education. In the view of human philosophy of Marxism,based on the existence of human life,the theoretical paradigm of life-based ideological and political education has come into being. Shaping human's natural life,social life and spiritual life will manifest the humanist value of life-based ideological and political education.
作者 张九童
出处 《山东青年政治学院学报》 2017年第1期6-10,共5页 Journal of Shandong Youth University of Political Science
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"人的虚拟生存与思想政治教育创新研究"(12CKS40)
关键词 生命思想政治教育 人学 价值 life-based ideological and political education humanist value
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