

Research on the Strategy of Optimizing the Development of Vocational Education in Zhangjiakou
摘要 基于张家口经济发展实际,结合新型农民技术培训、转业军人技能培训、送教下乡、送技入企、成人教育等各种地方性职业教育需求,通过对我市县域地区的职业教育情况进行走访调研,就合理配置优化职业教育资源、改善办学条件、提高办学质量、服务地方经济,提出张家口市职业教育优化发展策略。 This paper, based on the reality of Zhangjiakou's economic development, combined with the local vocational education requirement of the new technical training for farmers and demobilized military personnel, teaching in the countryside, transmission technologies into the enterprise, and adult education, pays research visits to the county area in Zhangjiakou city, and puts forward the development strategy on the optimal allocation of occupation education resources, improvement of teaching conditions and teaching quality.
作者 赵春
出处 《张家口职业技术学院学报》 2016年第4期24-25,30,共3页 Journal of Zhangjiakou Vocational and Technical College
基金 2016年度张家口市社会科学立项研究课题"张家口职业教育优化发展策略研究"(项目编号:2016068)的研究成果
关键词 张家口 职业教育 优化 策略 Zhangjiakou vocational education optimization strategy
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