
微创拔牙后植入不同材料对牙槽窝保存技术的影响研究 被引量:12

The Study on Different Materials on Preservation of Dental Socket after Minimally Invasive Extraction
摘要 目的:观察微创拔牙同期植入Bio-Oss和植入羟基磷灰石富含血小板血浆(PRF)后在拔牙窝位点保存术中的临床效果。方法:选择2014年5月-2015年4月在武汉大学人民医院口腔科微创拔除患牙的54例患者,随机分为三组进行处置。A组Bio-Oss骨粉Bio-Gide膜、B组羟基磷灰石和富含血小板血浆(PRF)及C组空白对照组,1、3、6个月复诊观察拔牙窝愈合情况。拔牙前及拔牙后6个月进行口内取模灌注石膏模型并拍摄X线牙片,分别测量牙槽嵴的高度和宽度,进行统计学分析(P<0.05)。结果:三组患者中,A组和B组拔牙窝均愈合良好,牙槽骨丰满,外形丰满,高度和宽度基本保持,牙龈色、形、质与邻牙协调。而C组牙槽嵴吸收、萎缩,高度降低、宽度显著缩小。经比较发现,A组和B组术后6个月骨吸收已趋于稳定,C组变化最大。结论:在微创拔牙窝植入Bio-Oss和Bio-Gide膜或羟基磷灰石和富含血小板血浆(PRF)行牙槽窝保存,可以有效保护牙槽骨量,维持牙槽骨形态,促进软组织外形的恢复。 Objective To observe effectiveness of alveolar socket preservation using Bio-Oss and platelet-rich plasma(PRF) after teeth were extracted by minimally invasive methods. Methods 54 cases were selected at the department and stomatology of wuhan university people's hospital from May 2014 to April 2015. Their teeth were removed by minimally invasivel technology. They were randomly divided into 3 groups. Group A were Bio-OSS and Bio-Gide membrane, group B were hydroxyapatite and platelet-rich plasma(PRF).Group C was blank control.1, 3, 6 months follow-up observation, Before teeth were extracted and 6 months after tooth extraction,using mouths modulus infusion casts and X-ray, measure the height of alveolar ridge and width were respectively measured and analyzed(P〈0.05). Results In the three groups, group A and B were well healed. Alveolar bone showed shape plump, basic the height and width keep, coordination of adjacent teeth gums between color, shape and quality. However, Group C significantly showed alveolar ridge absorption and shrinking, lossen of bone height and width. By comparison, group A and B bone loss has stabilized after 6 months. The change of group C was maximum. Conclusion After teeth were extracted by minimally invasive methods, alveolar socket preservation can effectively protect alveolar bone quantity, maintain alveolar bone morphology, promote the recovery of soft tissue profile using Bio-Oss and Bio-Gide membrane or hydroxyapatite and platelet-rich plasma(PRF).
作者 杨芳 雷志敏 王林虎 YANG Fang LEI Zhi-min WANG Lin-hu(Department of Stomatology, People's Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430060, Hubei, China Department of Stomatology, Hanchuan Hospital of People's Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 436100, Hubei, China Department of Stomatology, Wuhan General Hospital of Military, Wuhan 430070,Hubei,China)
出处 《中国美容医学》 CAS 2017年第2期102-104,共3页 Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine
关键词 微创 牙槽窝保存技术 骨吸收 BIO-GIDE膜 富含血小板血浆(PRF) minimally invasive socket preservation techniques bone absorption Biooss collagen platelet rich plasma(PRP)
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