
敦煌壁画颜料颜色数据库构建方法 被引量:6

Methodology for Constructing a Pigment Color Database for Dunhuang Murals
摘要 提出了一种敦煌壁画颜料颜色数据库的构建方法:首先建立一套敦煌壁画的基础色标体系,对色标体系中每一个颜料色样的光谱、颜色、颗粒、物质属性进行量化标定,建立敦煌壁画色标体系基础数据库;然后结合"数字敦煌"项目的研究成果,针对已经数字化洞窟的影像数据进行精细分区编目,针对每个精细分区进行非接触式无损测量标定,获得每个精细分区的颜色、物理、化学属性等数据;最后建立每个精细分区和敦煌壁画色标体系基础数据库色样的映射关系,完成敦煌壁画颜料颜色数据的构建。 This paper proposes a method for establishing a scientific pigment color database for the murals of Dunhuang consisting primarily of the following procedures: 1 ) To build a basic color system for pigments used at Dunhuang and to quantitatively and nondestructively calibrate each color sample of the color system, includ- ing spectra, color, particle size, and chemical constitution. 2) Based on the research results of the "Digital Dun- huang" project, to precisely segment and catalogue the image data of already digitized caves, and to nondestruc- tively calibrate each segment so as to obtain the data of each space, including color and physical and chemical properties. 3) To map out the relationship between each segment of the caves and the color samples from the basic color system database, thus connecting the first and second elements of this method to provide a clear picture of the location and color of pigments used in the murals of Dunhuang.
作者 梁金星 万晓霞 孙志军 李婵 李俊锋 LIANG Jinxing WAN Xiaoxia SUN Zhijun LI Chan LI Junfeng(School of Printing and Packaging, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei 430079 Network Center, Dunhuang Academy, Dunhuang, Gansu 736200)
出处 《敦煌研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期132-140,共9页 Dunhuang Research
基金 国家文物局文化遗产保护领域科学和技术研究课题"敦煌莫高窟颜料色彩体系及基本色谱的建立研究"(2013-YB-HT-034) 国家自然科学基金面上资助课题"基于多光谱的彩绘文物颜色数据获取与再现方法研究"(61275172) 国家重点基础研究发展计划课题"文化遗产数字化保护的理论与方法"(2012CB725302)
关键词 敦煌壁画 基础色标体系 颜料颜色数据库 Dunhuang murals basic color system pigment color database
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