
浅谈物联网智能传感器特性及其分类 被引量:18

Brief Discussion on the Characteristics and Classification of Intelligent Sensors in IoT
摘要 智能特性是区别智能传感器和一般工业传感器的重要特征,智能化是传感器重要的发展方向。对物联网核心部件——智能传感器进行了调查和研究,针对其通用特性进行了简要介绍,进一步对传感器信号采集、数据处理、信息交互、逻辑判断等多个过程的智能特性和在实际应用中的物联网特性进行了详细分析和解读。结合产业现状和应用情况,基于传感器材料和制造工艺等传统分类方法,对智能传感器进行多角度分类,同时提出传感器模块的组成、集成、信号处理器种类、网络安全机制和组网应用等智能化分类依据。鉴于当今业界在传感器的系统化分类方面尚未形成统一的共识,相关研究为相应领域的实际应用提供了参考和指南,尤其对智能传感器标准化工作具有较强的借鉴价值。 The intelligent characteristics are the important features to be used to distinguish intelligent sensor and general industrial sensor; intellectualization is an important developing direction of sensors. The core part of loT, i. e. , intelligent sensors are investigated and researched ;their general characteristics are introduced in brief, and the intelligent characteristics of muhiple processes for signal acquisition, data processing, information interaction, and logic judgement, as well as the loT characteristics in practical applications are analyzed and interpreted in further. Combining with the current industrial status and applicational situation, based on the traditional classifications in accordance with the materials and manufacturing processes of sensors, the muhi - angle and multi - faceted classification of intelligent sensors is conducted. In addition, the basis of intellectualization classification,including the composition, integration and the types of signal processor of sensor module; security mechanism of network, and networking application, etc. , are put forward. Due to the unified consensus for systematic classification of sensors has not yet formed in industries today, related research provides reference and guidance for practical applications in corresponding fields,especially for the standardization of intelligent sensors.
作者 徐文劼 XU Wenjie(On -line Monitoring and Measurement Technology Insitute, Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, Shanghai 201203, China)
出处 《自动化仪表》 CAS 2017年第3期44-47,54,共5页 Process Automation Instrumentation
关键词 物联网 智能传感器 射频识别技术 数据融合 安全机制 Intemet of things Intelligent sensor Radio frequency identification devices (RFID) Data fusion Security mechanism
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