
职业院校“双创”教育辨析:基于现实审视与理性思考 被引量:76

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education in Vocational and Technical Colleges:Based on the Reality Inspection and Rational Consideration
摘要 我国已步入"众创"时代,职业院校积极回应。通过审视"双创"教育实践的现实生态和师生对于"双创"的基本认识,暴露出对"双创"内涵理解的偏差、重点投射的偏离以及实施方式的偏颇。职业院校须从观念上进一步明确"双创"的内涵与重点,依托资源优势开展有针对性的、分类分层的"双创"教育,立足区域层面搭建"双创"教育资源平台,站在战略高度建立"双创"教育的协同治理体系。 We have paced in the era of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation". Through reality scanning and a survey on teachers and students in vocational and technical schools, it is exposed that there are still some problems in understanding the nature of entrepreneurship and innovation (E&I) education, deviating its focuses, and biased implementation way as well. It is suggested that we should clarify the similar concepts of E&I education and their relationship, conduct more targeted, classified E&I education based on all sorts of resource integration, build up regional resource platform of E&I education, and set up a collaborative governance system from the strategic level.
作者 匡瑛 石伟平
出处 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期97-103,共7页 Educational Research
基金 国家社会科学基金(教育学)"十二五"国家一般课题"职校生职业精神培养的理论与实践研究--基于社会主义核心价值观的视角"(课题批准号:BJA140062)的研究成果
关键词 职业院校 创新 创业 vocational and technical colleges, innovation, entrepreneurship
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