
聚全氟乙丙烯/聚苯硫醚共混改性防腐涂料的研究 被引量:4

Study on Anticorrosive Coating Improved by Mixing FEP and PPS
摘要 研制了一种结合强度和耐热耐腐蚀性能优良的聚全氟乙丙烯/聚苯硫醚共混改性防腐涂料。涂料面层为聚全氟乙丙烯(FEP),利用其优异的耐腐蚀耐热性能;底层的主要成分为聚苯硫醚(PPS),利用其优异的粘结性能,并进行了底层涂料配方的优化设计;中间过渡层利用梯度功能材料的原理,分层过渡将两种树脂共混改性,提高涂层自身结合强度。涂层结合强度检测方法借鉴了热喷涂层的结合强度检测方法,试验效果良好。 An excellent heat - resisting and anticorrosive polymer composite coating based on polymer blends of poly(hexafluoropropylene - co - tetrafluoroethylene)(FEP) and poly(phenylene sulfide) (PPS) was prepared. The finish coating was FEP, taking advantage of its excellent anticorrosive and heat - resisting properties. The main composition of the prime coating was PPS, taking advantage of its excellent adhesivity. The main composition of the inter - coating was PPS and FEP, altering gradually the proportion of PPS and FEP in order to improve the binding power between the prime coating and the finish coating. The detecting method of thermal sprayed coatings adhesion was used in the experiment and an ideal experimental result was obtained.
出处 《精细石油化工进展》 CAS 2002年第8期1-4,共4页 Advances in Fine Petrochemicals
关键词 共混改性 聚全氟乙丙烯 聚苯硫醚 梯度功能材料 结合强度 防腐涂料 FEP, PPS, gradient materials, binding power, anticorrosive coating
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