
一种可用于运载火箭的SINS/GNSS自主导航方案 被引量:2

Scheme design of SINS/GNSS autonomous navigation for launch vehicle
摘要 研究了一种可用于运载火箭的SINS/GNSS自主导航方案。起飞前捷联惯组采用基于惯性系重力加速度积分的解析粗对准和卡尔曼滤波精对准,起飞后采用SINS/GNSS卡尔曼滤波组合导航反馈实时修正姿态、速度和位置。仿真结果表明捷联惯组水平自主对准误差0.01°,方位自主对准误差1.5°,起飞后经组合导航修正后的姿态误差小于0.2°,速度误差小于0.4m/s,位置误差小于40m,考虑所有误差的蒙特卡罗仿真结果满足火箭入轨精度要求,此方案具有较高的工程应用价值。 A SINS/GNSS autonomous navigation scheme is proposed for launch vehicle. Before lifting off, the gravity integral analytic coarse alignment method and Kalman filter fine alignment method were applied to realize the initial alignment of the strapdown inertial unit. After lifting off, the feedback information of SINS/GNSS Kalman filter integrated navigation was adopted to modify the vehicle's attitude, velocity and position information in real-time. By such a way, the autonomous navigation of launch vehicle is realized without external optical aiming device. Simulation results indicate that the level angle error is less than 0.01°, and the azimuth angle error is less than 1.5°. By the SINS/GNSS integrated navigation modification, the attitude error is less than 0.2°, the velocity error is less than 0.4 m/s, the position error is less than 40 m. The Monte Carlo simulation results with all the errors taken into account meet the accuracy requirements of launch vehicle. The proposed scheme has significant engineering application value.
作者 张卫东 邱伟 毛承元 丁秀峰 陈韦贤 ZHANG Wei-dong QIU Wei MAO Cheng-yuan DING Xiu-feng CHEN Wei-xian(Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology, Shanghai 201109, China Aerospace System Engineering Shanghai, Shanghai 201109, China)
出处 《中国惯性技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期52-56,共5页 Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology
基金 上海市优秀学科带头人计划支持(14XD1423300)
关键词 运载火箭 自主导航 SINS/GNSS 自主对准 姿态修正 launch vehicle autonomous navigation SINS/GNSS self-alignment attitude modification
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